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  • Hmm.

    Well, I've been playing with the patch for a while now, and I did an editing change that took me, oh, about 1 minute:

    Optimum # of cities for all map sizes is now 512. Corruption ridiculousness is now a thing of the past. I still need courthouses and police stations in my outposts, but the 1 shield problem is GONE.

    I imagine it would take about 5 minutes for me to fix the A/D/M ratios to whatever anyone would want, to disallow spearmen from destroying tanks for example.

    Am I stupid? Why are some of you spending hours upon hours upon hours complaining about the game when it's so customizable? It would honestly take you 10 minutes to fix it to the exact way you want it!!

    Am I missing something here? Anyway, I go back to my game. Have fun turning blue in the face!

  • #2
    Yeah I agree. One of the things I've toyed with is the "rush build improvements" option for my Hoplites [on top of a 6-range bombardment of 24]. Now, Yeah it's blatant cheating, but I was tinkering with some mechanics. I play on a tiny map w/ 16 civs. The game's customizability is already substantial, though I know once everything's hooked up right, the game will be that much better.

    The scenarios are coming! The scenarios are coming!
    "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


    • #3
      If I order a pizza I don't want to see some guy with a handful of dough and a box of toppings show up.."here ya go.Just make it yourself"

      thats why.And nobody will be playing the same game,making strategy and forums useless.
      The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


      • #4
        Originally posted by Smash
        If I order a pizza I don't want to see some guy with a handful of dough and a box of toppings show up.."here ya go.Just make it yourself"

        thats why.And nobody will be playing the same game,making strategy and forums useless.
        When you order an all-dressed pizza, and there's no anchovies on it like your Mom used to make, do you berate the delivery guy and throw it at him and ask him to make it right or else you'll keep yelling at him?

        Or do you open a tin of anchovies and add it to the pizza?


        • #5
          Originally posted by cassembler

          The scenarios are coming! The scenarios are coming!

          in its current release version, scenarios are IMPOSSIBLE

          it won't happen anytime soon either


          • #6
            Originally posted by Disk Killer

            When you order an all-dressed pizza, and there's no anchovies on it like your Mom used to make, do you berate the delivery guy and throw it at him and ask him to make it right or else you'll keep yelling at him?

            Or do you open a tin of anchovies and add it to the pizza?

            you're missing the whole magnitude thing here. making modpacks is different than having to fix problems like corruption

