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If you want Firaxis to listen.....

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  • If you want Firaxis to listen.....

    then contact Firaxis. Ranting over and over here and flaming everyone who disagrees with you is not talking to Firaxis. At best it's preaching to the choir and that never really gets anything done.

    Many people have good ideas that never reach the right people because they don't try to comunicate with the right people directly. The people at Firaxis are people with a job. They cannot sit all day at their computer and respond to posts (many of wich are abusive) in this forum. In fact I would think that very soon they will start to ignore the abusive rants regardless of their content. (I have work in a customer relations department and trust me you will not get better service the louder you are)

    If you have a problem with running the game then contact their technical support. Their support infomation can be found at or in the manual. Many of the "problems" reported are addressed in the manual. Some of the problems are also addressed at many have also been addressed on this forum.

    I think that if you have a suggestion and want to see what others think then by all means bring it up here and then present it to Firaxis.

    This forum should be for the majority of us that realize the game has flaws but enjoy it and hope to make our little escape in the the fantasy world of gameplaying a little more fun.

    "For those about to rock, we salute you..." - AC/DC
    Sorry....nothing to say!

  • #2
    I was once like you, Grasshopper. I defended Firaxis from the abusers until I found out first hand why they've let their emotions get the best of them. You will, too.

    Oh, Great Void! May we have stack movement, please?
    "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


    • #3
      What happened to make "their emotions get the best of them"? What have they done or not done?
      Sorry....nothing to say!


      • #4
        Libertarian, does this mean you have, for lack of a better way to say it, switched sides?
        Good = Love, Love = Good
        Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


        • #5
          I have attempted to contact Firaxis directly. I have yet to receive a reply. I have started posting here to get responses from my fellow gamers. I have even gotten solutions to technical problems from other non-Firaxisian posters.

          Besides, it's fun to rant and rave about things in public where everyone can hear it.

          Deornwulf - The English Teacher
          "Our lives are frittered away by detail....simplify, simplify."


          • #6
            My point is this when all these are busy ranting and raving to satisfy their own selfish selfworth problem then those of us who are looking for useful information cannot find it though all the junk.

            Deornwulf - if you really are a teacher then you know how difficult it can be when some people get out of hand and take over.

            As for being a "grasshopper" I have been a registered user of this board since 1999 with this alias (and others). This is much longer than the majority of posters that have taken over this board. But that means nothing, when it comes down to it we are all on equal ground. I am no better than you, please remember that you are no better than me. Enough said. End of discussing insects.

            Still have yet to see what the guys at Firaxis failed so badly on that we all deserve to put up with this mess.
            Sorry....nothing to say!


            • #7
              Originally posted by nato
              Libertarian, does this mean you have, for lack of a better way to say it, switched sides?
              Well, I don't rant. I don't act like I'm on a crusade or anything, but yeah.

              I staunchly defended Firaxis only to find my own questions summarily ignored. You might recall my recent thread about stack movement. I must say that, as their champion defender, I was... well... frankly embarrassed that my theretofore unwavering support didn't even merit the civility of a response.

              How can my defense of them possibly hold? An even half-savvy debator can now always rebut anything I offer with, "They don't even listen to their supporters; how are we to believe they will listen to their critics?"

              Thus, I haven't really "switched sides" so much as I've been abandoned. I certainly did my part. Naively, I suppose, now in retrospect.
              "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


              • #8
                My simple question would be this: Have you contacted Firaxis directly or do you just post here?
                Sorry....nothing to say!


                • #9
                  My simple answer would be this: yes.
                  "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                  • #10
                    My simple answer would be this: yes.

                    Good answer to an either/or question. Are you in politics as your name suggests?
                    Sorry....nothing to say!


                    • #11
                      I had a problem that prevented me from playing the game (The safedisc problem)

                      I tried sending a mail to Infogrames (as directed from the Civ3 support page), but after waiting 4 days I get the answer that they only help North Americans (I live in Denmark) - despite the fact that their support page had options for European countries as well. They refer me to the Infogrames UK site, which unfortunately doesn't have an email/support form, but only a phone number, so I'm supposed to call them at expensive overseas prices and hang on hold to tell them about their bugs? Forget it.

                      So I go to the Firaxis site and use the form there to submit my problem about a week ago and I never heard from them since. I've since solved my problem myself - yes I've cracked my original Civilization in order to play it... A joke.

                      So I go here again and see that it has been posted that I/we should contact Infogrames about getting an unsecured .exe file... Funny I wasn't told that, but has to read it here. Besides which I don't have any confidence that I'll get any useful reply from Infogrames after my last contact. So I rant and rave. I try to control it, but it's so very hard........


                      • #12

                        Thank you for answering my question. I know it sometimes takes time to get an answer via E-mail or snail mail from any company, but it is quite apparent that Firaxis/Infogames does not offer the same support to our friends outside the U.S.
                        Sorry....nothing to say!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ****gyRA

                          Good answer to an either/or question. Are you in politics as your name suggests?
                          Lordy, no. Just a freelance philosopher whose worldview is a blend of Christianity, Libertarianism, and Objectivism.

                          Note how my worldview makes for a nice haiku.
                          "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Deornwulf
                            Deornwulf - The English Teacher
                            Um... isnt that supposed to be:

                            Deornwulf - The Deer Hunter ?

                            [ This space for rent ]


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Libertarian
                              I staunchly defended Firaxis only to find my own questions summarily ignored.

                              In this case it's because you're setup to get neither email or private messages. I don't have the time to stay current every day on every thread, so if you have a question, forget and send it to By the same time token I won't often respond to emails concerning:

                              a) feature requests we're well aware of or are impossible.
                              b) rants (if I can't find the legitimate question in 5 paragraphs of froth...)
                              c) technical issues documented on the infogrames tech support site
                              d) misc. since I miss emails from all sources every now and then.

                              Let me repeat it:


