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Pssst! Infogrames & Prima....Important Information!

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  • #16

    How dare you! Do you realize what you are doing? By promoting the free flow of ideas between fellow gamers you're destroying an entire industry! What will the children of Prima employees do on Christmas when they have no toys, cause big bad Vel put their daddy or mommy out of business! The kids will grow up in a loveless home by bitter parents, they'll turn to a life of crime. That's what they'll do! They'll rob, and pillage and burn and they'll have you to thank. Then the rest of us will have to pay to have them institutionalized for the rest of their lives, think how much that will cost me! Its a shame you didn't think things through Vel, look at the havoc and chaos you will bring forth. Damn you, damn you and your free speech! You will cause the downfall of civilization with what you've started!

    Or so Prima's lawyers would have everyone think.


    • #17
      Couldn't stay away...LOL...was already in bed, and just couldn't resist one more post!

      Good idea Yin, on having it pretty much ready to roll when the x-pack comes out. Don't know if I'll be happy with it by then or no, but I'll certainly shoot for that!

      JT... Good plan on calling up Prima....don't know if I could stand to give up the creative freedom it stands, I can work on what I want, when I boss looking over my shoulder...heh...I'm too much of a hippie I guess's good. Been told I oughtta be burned at the stake before, but never that I was gonna bring about the fall of civilization....I kinna like it....

      (niters all!)
      The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


      • #18
        I thought this thread could use some revitalization, as it's dissapeared from the top page, and nothing from infocrap has been reported yet. Perhaps that wasn't enuf for them, who know...


        It has come to my attention that this months issue of PC gamer magazine (well actually the jan 2002 issue) has 3 pages FULL of civ screen shots, and civ3 strategy. Being as this is a BLATENT copyright issue, perhaps we need to let infograms know right away. Their right to profit is being infringed upon... unless of course they supplied the material for the article, which woudln't surprise me considering the basic strategies they put in there... and even some MIS information.. really pathetic.... and i must quote...

        Raw Resources....... if they're outside of your area, though, you'll need to employ your workers. Once you've located a resource, send a worker to it, and orer him to make a colony; once the colony is competed, build a road so that it's connected to the rest of your roatds.......
        K.. first of all, how long did it take them to make a colony in their game?!?! 5 turns? 10 turns? take me less than 1...

        secondly, why would they not say, use your worker to build a road to the resource before building a colony, as obviously that's the logical thing to do....

        ohwell.. more crap from pcgamer, i knew there was a reason I cancelled my subscription.. anywaz.. infogram/prima! GET ON THESE GUYS!!!



        • #19
          LOL! Thanks for the revival Zorkk! And you're right! Recommend we send mail with a link to this thread to Infogreed with all speed! Give their hungry lawyers something to know....maybe trash a bit more goodwill.....

          The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


          • #20
            Love your strat posts, and I would be the first to buy your book. But I am wondering how you plan on marketing the book? They own the "Civ 3" moniker, and they probably wouldn't let you use any screen shots, graphics, or direct references to the acutal game of Civ 3 (like civilopedia, etc). Just wondering if you have given any thought to how you are going to approach this?

            Keep up the great work!

