Prima claims to have the exclusive rights to make money on strategy guides for Civ 3. I dont believe thats actually possible, but lets just go along with it. Then what do we do?
Publish a "review" of Civ 3 instead, offcourse! Unless Prima feels like sueing every games magazine or website that has published a review, they cant do anything about that. When someone markets a product (game or anything else) they can never prevent other from publishing their opinion about that product. The opinion may happen to include a lot of usefull advice on how to use the product, which will be the case here.
Problem solved
Publish a "review" of Civ 3 instead, offcourse! Unless Prima feels like sueing every games magazine or website that has published a review, they cant do anything about that. When someone markets a product (game or anything else) they can never prevent other from publishing their opinion about that product. The opinion may happen to include a lot of usefull advice on how to use the product, which will be the case here.
Problem solved