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Post patch..1900 and still no wars..World Peace?

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  • Post patch..1900 and still no wars..World Peace?

    I am playing renamed French to Finnish renamed Joan of Arch to Tarja Hallonen..yes she is our president! asume you all know where Finland is..Yes Nokia and Father Christmas
    thats right.

    I have Egyptian and Indians as close neighbours Russians, Babalonians and Aztecs on other continents.
    India has never shown any signs of agression despite me having made culture take overs of several towns. Egypt did a bit of sabre rattling (which I ignored) when I build a town close to their border and it swallowed up a resouce they were heading for, but appart form that not one shot yet fired in anger by any race.
    I ignored all transgresions by wanders from neighbours..they dont do anything..there is no space for them to build anymore.
    They made a couple of silly towns but they never grew and got swallowed by my culture blitz. Now they are my worker farms.
    My culture is slowing eating away at their borders.
    Egypt now buying my horses..kept them waiting for 20 or so turns so I had lots of cavelry. So now Cleo is all smiles and thank yous...
    Towns near all my borders have artilery on display so understand why Egypt and India want to play safe..but why are the others not scrapping??
    Have they patched out wars unless you start them first?.
    Crazy Bear = HulluKarhu from Finland
    Hullu= Crazy, Karhu= Bear
    puuttumattomuuspolitikka= not a Good idea to interfere with.

  • #2
    That's what you get for playing some peaceful Scandinavian nation.


    • #3
      Originally posted by LaRusso
      That's what you get for playing some peaceful Scandinavian nation.
      Yes, and Finnland has historically been a very tough country to declare war on. The soviets realized that when they wanted to extend the area around Leningrad. They (the soviets) did "win" that war, but it was a very costly affair.

      You should have stuck with the French. They fall over much easier
      Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. - Albert Einstein


      • #4
        Re: Post patch..1900 and still no wars..World Peace?

        Originally posted by HulluKarhu
        I am playing renamed French to Finnish renamed Joan of Arch to Tarja Hallonen..yes she is our president! asume you all know where Finland is..Yes Nokia and Father Christmas
        thats right.

        Have they patched out wars unless you start them first
        Xylitol gum comes from Finland! It's very popular here in Korea now.

        Regarding world peace, I haven't downloaded the patch yet but in about 1500 years of history there has only been one war between me and another country (Germany). I think the Romans and the Chinese had a bit of a scuffle in the ancient ages but that was it. I got Rome and China to help me fight the Germans. China sank a few ships for me and after 20 turns threw in the towel. Rome really went for it and razed a couple of German towns and took over a couple others. When I played Civ2 I always wished the other civs would lay off but in Civ3 I'm wishing they'd be a bit more forceful. Maybe I'll choose more aggressive civs in my next game.
        Formerly known as Masuro.
        The sun never sets on a PBEM game.


        • #5
          World peace?

          What world peace?

          In my latest Emperor game, the world has been at war FOREVER.

          Try and see if you can conquer the world in this attached save game (I'm veryyyyy close).

          Let me know the result!
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Originally posted by LaRusso
            That's what you get for playing some peaceful Scandinavian nation.

            Well Finns and Swedes are not always docile..anyone fancy an Ice Hockey war.
            Finland and Sweden versus the rest last one alive wins.
            Crazy Bear = HulluKarhu from Finland
            Hullu= Crazy, Karhu= Bear
            puuttumattomuuspolitikka= not a Good idea to interfere with.


            • #7
              Originally posted by HulluKarhu
              asume you all know where Finland is..Yes Nokia and Father Christmas
              Santa Claus lives in Greenland! ....


              • #8
                I carefully avoided saying "Father Christams lives in Finland"
                I just inferred that most people associate him with Finland.
                I have actualy been to his workshop there...but..
                Being a cunning diplomat I did not want to allienate the rest of the Nordic countries...I will need them all as allies when we take on the rest of the world in my planned whoring and drinking world series..that might well include inviting Danes if they bring a few barrels of Carlsberg and some Gammel Dansk!
                Crazy Bear = HulluKarhu from Finland
                Hullu= Crazy, Karhu= Bear
                puuttumattomuuspolitikka= not a Good idea to interfere with.


                • #9
                  Well, Hullu, you came very close to alienating the entire danish nation

                  We are very sensitive when it comes to Santa's homeland and anyone claiming that he lives anywhere but Greenland is living life dangerously

                  Carlsberg and Gammel Dansk? Sure, Ill bring some, but you get the Gammel Dansk to yourself. That stuff is vile!
                  Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. - Albert Einstein


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 7EA

                    Santa Claus lives in Greenland! ....
                    Santa Claus lives at the North Pole. The (magnetic) North Pole is in Canada! That's why no one bothers to declare war on Canada. They're afraid they'll get a lump of coal in their stocking.
                    Formerly known as Masuro.
                    The sun never sets on a PBEM game.


                    • #11
                      Getting back on topic:

                      My current game started pre-patch. As the Indians, I, the Chinese, and Japanese wiped out the Zulus. Then, I and the Japanese wiped out the Chinese. I was attacked both times to start both wars. Finally, post-patch, I was pulled (MPP) into an everyone vs. the Japanese war. There's plenty of war in this game.


                      • #12
                        Getting back off topic,

                        Santa Story. When i was younger, im guessing 11 or 12, we went to my uncles house which at the time was in the country. He had a dressed santa on the front porch, complete with beard and red jumpsuit and santa hat. At the time i did not know this but me and the fam' were joking around the other night and they told me the santa was actually a love-doll that had been given to my uncle as a xmas gag gift. At the time i was young and knew no better and asked my uncle why santa had his mouth open in an 0 shape. He told me it was cause santa was saying
                        HO HO HO.

                        Merry xmas everyone


                        • #13
                          I have been investigating it and I found this:

                          If you don't start a war first then there is big chance that there will be no wars in your game.
                          You always have to start to be aggresive then they'll play with you. If you are peacefull they are also peacefull

                          I would call this a bug....


                          • #14
                            I had a no war game before the patch.

                            My cities were completely undefended, no units at all, until around 1400 AD!

                            My neighbors the Germans, Zulus, Aztecs, and Russians were all my best friends!

                            That game really scarred me and forever turned me off to cultural victory.

                            Oooohhh the boredom
                            Good = Love, Love = Good
                            Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


                            • #15
                              The last game I played pre-patch I was the Germans isolated on an island, I hadn't made contact with anyone right up until 1000AD (yes thats AD) and the only thing I heard was how everyone ganged up on the Indians and destroyed them around 3-400AD.

                              The world was at peace ever since, everyone was just so nice to everyone else, it was sickening

                              Then I noticed the French started trying to put spies on me, three failed and I kind of got the idea they were a bit touchy. So I got a domino chain of MPPs set up and popped in a French spy, it got discovered and they declared war !

                              About 5 turns later France still hadn't arrived on my shores and the whole world was against them. Things were going nicely until Xerxes got voted UN chairman and the game ended

