I am playing renamed French to Finnish renamed Joan of Arch to Tarja Hallonen..yes she is our president! asume you all know where Finland is..Yes Nokia and Father Christmas
thats right.
I have Egyptian and Indians as close neighbours Russians, Babalonians and Aztecs on other continents.
India has never shown any signs of agression despite me having made culture take overs of several towns. Egypt did a bit of sabre rattling (which I ignored) when I build a town close to their border and it swallowed up a resouce they were heading for, but appart form that not one shot yet fired in anger by any race.
I ignored all transgresions by wanders from neighbours..they dont do anything..there is no space for them to build anymore.
They made a couple of silly towns but they never grew and got swallowed by my culture blitz. Now they are my worker farms.
My culture is slowing eating away at their borders.
Egypt now buying my horses..kept them waiting for 20 or so turns so I had lots of cavelry. So now Cleo is all smiles and thank yous...
Towns near all my borders have artilery on display so understand why Egypt and India want to play safe..but why are the others not scrapping??
Have they patched out wars unless you start them first?.
thats right.
I have Egyptian and Indians as close neighbours Russians, Babalonians and Aztecs on other continents.
India has never shown any signs of agression despite me having made culture take overs of several towns. Egypt did a bit of sabre rattling (which I ignored) when I build a town close to their border and it swallowed up a resouce they were heading for, but appart form that not one shot yet fired in anger by any race.
I ignored all transgresions by wanders from neighbours..they dont do anything..there is no space for them to build anymore.
They made a couple of silly towns but they never grew and got swallowed by my culture blitz. Now they are my worker farms.
My culture is slowing eating away at their borders.
Egypt now buying my horses..kept them waiting for 20 or so turns so I had lots of cavelry. So now Cleo is all smiles and thank yous...
Towns near all my borders have artilery on display so understand why Egypt and India want to play safe..but why are the others not scrapping??
Have they patched out wars unless you start them first?.
