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After Patch Waste and Corruption

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  • After Patch Waste and Corruption

    I just finished downloading the Patch and wanted to see if everyone else is getting the same waste/corruption ratios as I am now.
    A city 9 hexes from the captial, (11 total cities), same continent, Democratic government, Courhouse built, Diety level - Waste is 40%, Corruption is 30%. Is everyone getting that same ratio?

  • #2
    Map size directly effects waste/corruption, also, which you didn't mention. As does difficulty level, which you did mention.

    A tiny map on deity, 11 squares is a long way away. A huge map on chieftan, not so much.

    Also, the only significant change the patch made to corruption was to make police stations decrease corruption. So until communism, you're stuck with the same old corruption values.


    • #3
      A slightly off-topic point here (sorry), but reading the previous post reminded me of something I noticed when I first played Civ 2. Why does it take the invention of communism before police stations become available? I'm afraid the concept of civilian policing predates Karl Marx by a long, long way.


      • #4
        Use the editor to flag banks as reducing corruption. Makes sense, as monetary reactions are now carefully recorded. Also, this adds a corruption reducing building to the middle ages.
        - "A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it still ain't a part number." - Ron Reynolds
        - I went to Zanarkand, and all I got was this lousy aeon!
        - "... over 10 members raised complaints about you... and jerk was one of the nicer things they called you" - Ming


        • #5
          You can flag reduce corruption on several buildings if you don't like the level it is now. But i still think there should be a way to change corruption without these buildings. It's completely unrealistic at the level it is now.

          And communism being "flat" is just a piece of crap. Modern western democracies had FAR LESS corruption ALL OVER than Soviet communism ever had. Communism is overated. The only thing it can do in reality, is change your country into a military society. Give Communism in civ lots of unit support and increase corruption dramatically. - Vice versa for Democracy.


          • #6
            I'm not sure what is meant by "civilian policing", but certainly the concept of police stations and communism came very close to each other in history, although I fail to see how they are linked otherwise.

            London's Metropolitain Police c.1829
            Communist Manifesto c.1848


            • #7
              Originally posted by xane
              I'm not sure what is meant by "civilian policing", but certainly the concept of police stations and communism came very close to each other in history, although I fail to see how they are linked otherwise.

              London's Metropolitain Police c.1829
              Communist Manifesto c.1848

              Well, it's not like there weren't any sort of law enforcement systems in place beforehand. They just weren't necessarily so organized.


              • #8
                As far as the corruption levels, i rushed built police stations all over a savegame map i had and the corruption was worse. And not worse by just a little, i was getting 40percent corruption all over my empire even cities right next to my capital and forbidden palace. And 1000 turns for a palace in a city producing 15 shields.
                come on now. At least airsuperiority works.


                • #9
                  Communism (post patch) has a flat-rate corruption level of 40%...
                  So your cities right next to palaces will have 40% corruption, but so too will pathetic outposts on the other side of the world, which would normally produce only 1 shield.

                  If you want to benefit from less corruption, change to a peace-time government such as Democracy.

                  Ironic isnt it, that the building you get with Communism is useless in that form of government...
                  I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                  • #10
                    I liked the civ2 non-corruption in democracies. Maybe it could have a little, but democracy shouldn't have much. It's just plain stupid. Modern western democracies have very little corruption compared. Cities far from the capital isn't useless in the real world. It's just plain annoying in the game.

                    Don't get me wrong, this is a GREAT game. I love it. But there are a couple of things I don't like. Corruption and not being able to turn of the pollution. Of course, environmentalism is politically correct and all, but it's not like the world turns to a great plain or desert every time Moscow cleans out its pipes.

                    Please FIRAXIS tune it DOWN or at least make an option for the player to turn it off.


                    • #11
                      Hmmm... a lot of things (e.g. pollution/corruption) can (theoretically) be turned on/off or set quite easily so it seems strange that you can't have a "customise difficulty level" section on the start screen where you can set all these things.


                      • #12
                        I've also flagged the bank AND the barracks as reducing corruption, made the military acadamy act like the forbiden temple increased to #of optimal cities, increased to %of optimal cities for my current difficulty level (to 200%). I STILL have cities not all that far from the capitol with Courthouses, Police Stations (plus banks and barracks as I mentioned), that are connected to the capitol via Road, Rail, Air, and Sea that are still producing 1 shield/1gold under a democracy thats been at peace for a while. This is absolute B.S. and has ruined any desire for me to continue playing this game (which I started out loving, until I started actully getting the upper hand on the AI and winning a few more cities). This better be fixed soon, or It's going back to CompUSA. What the point of playing anymore? Any city I build, annex, or conquer is just gonna be a useless POS.


                        • #13
                          "Communism" brings police stations not directly but indirectly. Unruley, organized workers "need" police to keep them in order. In the United States, and in much of the industrialized world, the growth of the police goes hand in hand with the workers' movements. The English police system was set up after the Luddites movement, the Peterloo Massacre, and the Chartist Movement (not completely sure about the last one). In the US, the Pinkertons, Brinks, Wells Fargo, etc. were primarily used for cracking workers' heads in should they even think about organizing.
                          Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                          • #14
                            flat tax kills

                            said this before but i want to say it again.

                            on warlord..largest (non-editor) a commie.........

                            I lost 1300/turn post-patch vs pre-patch.

                            (i have some where between 126-200 cities --i gave up trying to count them all)

                            Flat tax is a killer. It only makes sense it would be because your major producers are by the palace/forbidden and tax free.

                            So you lose almost 1/2 their value..but gain the production of
                            all those small outlying cities. Over time those would grow. But until then, you are getting hit hard with the flat tax.


                            • #15

                              I think civ3 is supposed to be the "ideal" version of communism and not the type that we have seen in history.

