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Bugs and Improvements not related to patch

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  • Bugs and Improvements not related to patch

    Hi Civers and Firaxis,

    Bug 1

    Cannot eliminate land enemy unit with bombarment. Can't even
    bomb it with either naval units or air units. I bombed it until the
    its damage flag turned red. The last bomb eliminated the road
    under it and after that I could not get a bullseye on it.

    Bug 2

    The 'police station' should be a build option like 'airport' when
    mobilization is at 'wartime'.

    Bug 3

    Can't sell 'Hospitals' after conquering enemy cities. These cities
    are small towns with no resistors. I can sell everything else.


    Imp 1

    'Right of passage' should be granted or negotiated one sided
    not by both sides.

    Imp 2

    Need to move an ICBM after construction to hide it.

    Imp 3

    Mobilization should be selectable at anytime.

    V1.16 fixes all the others. I especially like the one that
    updates Army units.

    Cavin forever,


  • #2
    Re: Bugs and Improvements not related to patch

    Bug #1: Not a bug. It was done on purpose. I sucks.

    Bug #2: Haven't seen it.

    Bug #3: Encountered it once.

    Imp #1: Why one sided? This is akin to agreeing to sex but only one person can enjoy it.

    Imp #2: Agreed.

    Imp #3: Why would you WANT to mobilize when not at war? That's like telephoning the enemy and telling him a time and date for the attack!


    • #3
      Re: Bugs and Improvements not related to patch

      Originally posted by dennis_caver
      Cannot eliminate land enemy unit with bombarment. Can't even
      bomb it with either naval units or air units. I bombed it until the
      its damage flag turned red. The last bomb eliminated the road
      under it and after that I could not get a bullseye on it.
      Intended, and present pre-patch as well. Bombardment cannot completely destroy a unit, only damage it severely.

      The 'police station' should be a build option like 'airport' when mobilization is at 'wartime'.
      Police stations aren't war related. They only consider buildings which let you build veteran units of some type war related.

      Can't sell 'Hospitals' after conquering enemy cities. These cities are small towns with no resistors. I can sell everything else.
      Hospitals and aqueducts cannot be sold in any city, including your own. This was done, most likely, to avoid needing to code the situation of cities large enough to require a certain improvement that do not have that improvement anymore for some reason. Aqueducts and hospitals are, unless a city is razed completely, indestructable.

      'Right of passage' should be granted or negotiated one sided not by both sides.
      Agreed. There are many times I've wanted to force a Civ I'm making my ***** to give me concessions for peace including giving ME right of passage through their territory without giving them right of passage through mine.

      Need to move an ICBM after construction to hide it.
      Don't understand what you're requesting here.

      Mobilization should be selectable at anytime.
      Unrealistic and not really important, IMHO.


      • #4
        Re: Bugs and Improvements not related to patch

        Originally posted by dennis_caver

        Bug 1

        The last bomb eliminated the road
        under it and after that I could not get a bullseye on it.

        Yah this sucks. I tried to bombard a group of enemy units in my territory and the first time the railroad was destroyed, next went the road and then I lost the bullseye. Why can't you attack them if they are not in a city!!! Shoot, the US is bombing the crap out of bin Laden right now and he ain't in no city!!! At least they don't think he is.....
        "To live again, to be.........again" Captain Kirk in some Star Trek Episode. (The one with the bad guy named Henok)
        "One day you may have to think for yourself and heaven help us all when that time comes" Some condescending jerk.


        • #5
          Re: Re: Bugs and Improvements not related to patch

          Originally posted by Cavalier_13
          Imp #1: Why one sided? This is akin to agreeing to sex but only one person can enjoy it.

          Yeah, and that has never happened.

