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Patch Bug: Diplomacy Lines Disappear

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  • Patch Bug: Diplomacy Lines Disappear

    After a while (one viewing?) all the diplomacy lines on the F4 screen disappear - can't see who's at war, MPP, trades, etc. Came back after I reloaded the game, but I'd rather not restart every few turns to see what the latest MPP domino effect war will be. This game was started before the patch, so that might have an effect.

    November Adam also mentioned this bug, but is was at the end of another bug thread, and I wanted to make sure it got exposure.


  • #2
    I noticed a change, but I THINK it's due maybe to a rules change? You cannot see diplomatic lines between cities you are at war with unless you have a spy in each maybe? Some testing could bear fruit on this matter...



    • #3
      Did you download the patch soon after it came out Friday, and never redownloaded it? I have yet to see a confirmed report of someone using the "correct" patch (as opposed to the invalid one that was initially released, ooooops) having this advisor line drawing problem.

      Go download the patch from again and install it twice.. First time will uninstall the bad patch, second time will patch your game properly. Voila! 98% of the graphics bugs in the bad patch are gone. Unfortunately the little black boxes if you play high res remain, but hopefully Firaxis will fix this up soon.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Xentropy
        Did you download the patch soon after it came out Friday, and never redownloaded it? I have yet to see a confirmed report of someone using the "correct" patch (as opposed to the invalid one that was initially released, ooooops) having this advisor line drawing problem.

        Go download the patch from again and install it twice.. First time will uninstall the bad patch, second time will patch your game properly. Voila! 98% of the graphics bugs in the bad patch are gone. Unfortunately the little black boxes if you play high res remain, but hopefully Firaxis will fix this up soon.
        RAISES HAND.

        I have the "correct" patch and I can't see the lines anymore. They just dissappeared. Same with the "crosshairs" I get when moving the cursor over a unit in the Military Screen. Even for my own troops I cannot see it anymore. Maybe the left hand is hiding what it's doing from the right one?



        • #5
          Hmm, out of curiousity, have you tried a full uninstall of the game, downloading the patch again to make 100% sure it's the new patch, and then installing the patch? See if this occurs then?

          I'm not asking you to do this if it's too big a hassle. I know I'm the kind of person that'd try this and not think much of it, but then my idea of a great weekend is one spent troubleshooting a problem with a computer system, so...

          If you wouldn't mind trying, I'm sure even Firaxis would be curious... Submit a bug report to them as well. Don't count on bug reports in a thread on this forum being read ;>


          • #6
            One of the changes in the patch was that you cannot see peace/war relationships between two nations unless you have made contact with each, or was it unless you have embassies with each?

            I haven't got round to downloading the patch yet because I'm at university, but perhaps one of you with the problem could try making sure you have embassies with all of the other civilizations and see if the problem persists.


            • #7
              This happens to me aswell, and it isn't the consequence of a rules change, at least not in any way thay could have intended
              When Wretch said that all the diplomacy lines dissapear, that's what happens, they ALL dissappear, even your own. Both on the diplomacy and trade view.

              You can't even tell if YOU are at war with someone, well apart form them attacking you. All the lines disspaear, with no apparent cause from the rules, no diplomatic changes of any signicance. I jsut use the diplomacy screenm to sell incense to the Germans and then the lines dissapear.

              To me, that's a bug somewhere. If it's caused by a new set of rules regarding seeing lines, then it is't working properly. I guess I shall try ninstalling /reinstalling, and maybe trying out a new game (in my curretn game I have been very impressed by the Indians, and War Elephants, want to give them a try).


