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Just an Observation

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  • Just an Observation

    I know that this is a bit irrelevant, and probably didn't need a new thread, but I gotta get this off my chest.

    Maybe, its just my good ole American ignorance or arrogance, but does anybody else find it funny that the French are industrious? They're French. It would be like if there were Italians in the game and they got a military bonus.....I have this image of, cheese, Paris, berets, you know....but not of factories, and massive production lines. Let me know if I'm wrong, but I think it would've better suited France to be religious, or maybe expansionist (explorers, fur traders, etc).

    Besides this minor complaint, I have no real problems with the game, except for the fact that you can't play on a realistic map, which for me is a huge complaint, thats usually my favorite type of game. And no scenarios....

  • #2
    Actually, France is a modern country, with factories, mass production, and manufacturing plants. With many nuclear plants also (75% of the electricity). Some French, especially in Paris and northern France, work very hard and produce a big output per capita. And almost nobody wears berets now, save some old people and some young women when it comes back to fashion.
    But I agree that France is not particulary industrious compared to other countries in Europe : in the average. If you want industrious people in Europe, Germans are what you need. Since France emphasizes more on culture, you're right it should have been religious (which is historically accurate).
    But well, is Civ3 about realism ? A commercial / industrious nation was nedded, and the French were just waiting for their edges.
    "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
    "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
    "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


    • #3
      Maybe a new one should be added


      Get -50% combat bonus
      Im sorry Mr Civ Franchise, Civ3 was DOA


      • #4
        Actually your image of France is as wrong as our potrait of America
        which is...."the land of fortune and WWF-rednecks"

        From the French foreign office:


        France is Europe's second largest industrial power and the world's fourth largest behind the USA, Japan and Germany. The manufacturing sector, including construction and civil engineering, accounts for 29% of jobs, 40% of investments and almost 80% of French exports. But although industrial output has quadrupled since 1950, nearly 1.5 million jobs have been lost during the past twenty years.

        This shrinkage reflects not only steadily rising productivity, but also the major restructuring of industry in the wake of the oil crises and globalisation of the economy. In this respect, French industry has seen a rapid concentration of its firms and a sharp rise in direct investments abroad. French companies now control 15,788 subsidiaries outside France, employing 2,548,000 people. These investments allow the companies concerned to grow to the critical size needed to break into new markets; the same is true of take-overs of foreign companies such as the acquisition by Michelin of Uniroyal and by Alcatel-Alstom of the American ITT group. On the other hand, 2,860 companies controlled by foreign capital, of which the majority come from the USA, Germany, Switzerland and the UK, are responsible for 28% of France's output, 24% of the jobs and 30% of its manufacturing sector. France is the third largest destination of inward investment in the world, behind the USA and UK, above all in the fields of information technology, pharmaceuticals, machine-tools and precision instruments.

        The manufacturing industry as a whole has for some years had a comfortable trade surplus. This is due not only to French skills in traditional industrial sectors like the automotive, railway locomotive and rolling stock industries, haute couture and agri-foodstuffs, but also to France's success in high-tech industries like nuclear power, telecommunications and aerospace.
        Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

        - Paul Valery


        • #5
          Spiff....I know they don't where berets. I was joking.

          I don't care what combo was needed...I still think its funny that the French are industrious. About the only industrious thing they ever built, besides the Eifel Tower, was the Maginot Line.....and we all know where that got'em


          • #6
            First of all, I love WWF. And most Americans are rednecks, atleast subconciously.

            Anyway, its irrelevant that France is the 4th largest industrial power. Look, how many combos are there....120, right (my math may be off, but I think its 5*4*3*2*1)? So why the hell do we need a industrial, commercial society in the game? We don't. So why include it? There a more logical characteristics for France to have.

            And I really don't care that its the 4th largest industrial country. Thats by there standards. Plus, that probably takes into account the production of wine corks, berets, and Puegeots. So its number 4. Big freakin' deal. Like anybody cares.


            • #7
              More like 5*4 (as there are only 2 civ traits), giving a total of 20 combinations. But these are ordered combinations, meaning that Commercial and Industrius is completely different to Industrius and Commercial (which it isnt). So taking away the duplicates, we are left with 10 distinct combinations:

              mi, mc, ms, me, ic, is, ie, cs, ce, se

              where the letters stand for that particular trait.
              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


              • #8
                France's economy should be placed behind China's and India's in size.

                That said, they are the number one supplier of Frenchmen.



                • #9
                  I am American and I have the utmost respect for the French.

                  Look, there was no county in the world prepared to fight Germany in WWII. If not for the Channel the Brits would have been overrun. If not for the Atlantic, we might have been overrun. Russia was overrun, until its sheer size and a fortuitous winter kicked in.

                  Likewise, Napolean had a similar experience in Russia. But he was kicking it till then.

                  The French are a fine people.


                  • #10
                    More like 5*4 (as there are only 2 civ traits), giving a total of 20 combinations. But these are ordered combinations, meaning that Commercial and Industrius is completely different to Industrius and Commercial (which it isnt). So taking away the duplicates, we are left with 10 distinct combinations:

                    mi, mc, ms, me, ic, is, ie, cs, ce, se

                    where the letters stand for that particular trait.

                    Actually, it's 6x5, not 5x4. So after getting rid of the duplicates, there is 15 different combinations possible, one for each civ with one duplicated (I think it's Religious and Militaristic but I am not sure).

                    Anyway, its irrelevant that France is the 4th largest industrial power. Look, how many combos are there....120, right (my math may be off, but I think its 5*4*3*2*1)? So why the hell do we need a industrial, commercial society in the game? We don't. So why include it? There a more logical characteristics for France to have.

                    Which one ?
                    I can personnally think about religious and commercial, like Spiffor said. Or scientific and commercial.

                    Personnally, what disturb me the most about France in Civ3 is the weird pink color That's ugly, and blue would have been a lot more accurate.

                    France's economy should be placed behind China's and India's in size.

                    That said, they are the number one supplier of Frenchmen.


                    Depends if you talk about GDP or international trade.
                    Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


                    • #11
                      French Civilization:

                      Civilization Bonuses:

                      Can surrender 1 turn before country declares war on them
                      50% bonus to production after capture by Germany
                      Drags America into a war every 60 turns


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by habadacus
                        French Civilization:

                        Civilization Bonuses:

                        Can surrender 1 turn before country declares war on them
                        50% bonus to production after capture by Germany
                        Drags America into a war every 60 turns
                        You forgot : "allow America to exist"
                        Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Akka le Vil

                          You forgot : "allow America to exist"
                          D'oh! Can't forget that one. How about these:

                          4. Must have a change of government/revolution every 5 turns.
                          5. Continues to be a smoldering ruin unless Trade Agreement is reached with America after every war.
                          6. May back out of every 'voluntary' military alliance whenever, and however it wishes.
                          Making the Civ-world a better place (and working up to King) one post at a time....


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by habadacus
                            French Civilization:

                            Civilization Bonuses:

                            Can surrender 1 turn before country declares war on them
                            50% bonus to production after capture by Germany
                            Drags America into a war every 60 turns

                            I would humbly add the following:

                            -Never admire any other civilization's culture.
                            -Do not require sanitation for cities to grow to size 12 (open sewers in all major cities).
                            "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
                            -- C.S. Lewis


                            • #15
                              poor frenchie..

