I thought instead of complaining that this sequel is a poor representation of the civ series it is more like Call To Power 3 then civ 3. Since I have invested $70.00 and really want this title to be entertaining (somehow). I am compiling a list of bugs in patch, bugs in editor and bugs in general that the patch did not fix.
For the record I am a OEM system builder. My system is 1 ghz AMD, the new Radeon All-In-Wonder, 256 megs of ram Windows 98 SE. I am 46 years old been playng the civ series since late 1996 early 1997 sometime. With that said I am no expert but have good insight on Civ series.
I started a game by making a 230x230 map, played as the Greeks with 2 extra techs. Only 8 players total. My first 2 games crashed. The first crashed when I was building my 5th city in a valid location. I reloaded and built the city in another location no crash. Later it crashed when I tried to build on a northen island next to the north poles. No reload would resolve this. The next game crashed after the 3rd city. The 3rd game I played it for 6 hours.
I had to reinstall the game to make the patch work. When I installed patch without uninstalling game I lost building zone borders for settlers and the foriegn advisor showed no lines to indicate who was at peace etc.
1) Right click on units to upgrade them there is a typo, needs a space added.
2) Workers will sometimes go into a loop, enter city leave enter city leave city. Other times they will just keep running around. I did have a HUGH land mass though maybe confusion
3) I started a war with the English. He had 2 regular warriors, I had 3 regular warriors and 1 conscript fortified in the trees. He attacked me and killed all 4 units? Unbalanced big time!
4) I lost units when reloading a game after stopping. I lost a settler, 3 hoplites and one worker?
5) Will not allow you to set up in the queue multiple wealth and some other items? Why?
6) The game will not let you switch the city that is building a wonder. There are 2 reasons why you need this option. One reason is too start building the better wonder you just discovered. Switching is fine if you want to stop building the one you are currently constructing. Hard to explain this one. Another reason is to start building a wonder you are already building to prepare for the one you are about to discover. Trivial I suppose.
7) Grid never stays on after a reload.
8) No way to check research goals when deciding on what to research next. Something that was handy in the civ series.
9) When selecting destination for a unit you can't send it to a waiting ship. You must stop at and load them in, again trivial.
10) Top 5 cities does not show wonders build right away. You must wait till the next turn to see the results.
11) The clunky interface for selecting units needs some work. It is very difficult to deselect one unit to another sometimes. (maybe just me?)
12) My 3rd game lasted till 1565 AD. I just discovered a new tech, moving toward Nationalism, Steam Power etc. No matter what Tech I picked the game crashed. No recovery possible either.
13) Editor will not show the overview of the map your working on making it very hard to design maps.
14) Game will crash right away if you add in too many bonuses for any civ. If you select more then 4-6 bonuses it will crash. If you make any major changes to the civ it will crash.
15) No ability to place civs at starting locations you desire. How in the world could this be overlooked?
16) There should be improvement in the diplomacy responses. If I am ally with another civ and they are attcked, I should have a response to them to try and quell the war. Seems very unrealistic to me otherways. The interaction between the player and the civs is what makes the civ series entertaining I feel. I suppose all of the war mongers out there have not found any problems. I am a builder and pretty much avoid war until the later stages of the game.
I am now playing a game on a 180x180 world with only the name of the civ changed. I have no tried playing without making a map yet. I am thinking that this may be a reason why I am getting crashes so much. I mean since the scenario editor is not complete. Looking forward to a patch to fix the patch and other issues. Hope this helps!
Desert Dog
For the record I am a OEM system builder. My system is 1 ghz AMD, the new Radeon All-In-Wonder, 256 megs of ram Windows 98 SE. I am 46 years old been playng the civ series since late 1996 early 1997 sometime. With that said I am no expert but have good insight on Civ series.
I started a game by making a 230x230 map, played as the Greeks with 2 extra techs. Only 8 players total. My first 2 games crashed. The first crashed when I was building my 5th city in a valid location. I reloaded and built the city in another location no crash. Later it crashed when I tried to build on a northen island next to the north poles. No reload would resolve this. The next game crashed after the 3rd city. The 3rd game I played it for 6 hours.
I had to reinstall the game to make the patch work. When I installed patch without uninstalling game I lost building zone borders for settlers and the foriegn advisor showed no lines to indicate who was at peace etc.
1) Right click on units to upgrade them there is a typo, needs a space added.
2) Workers will sometimes go into a loop, enter city leave enter city leave city. Other times they will just keep running around. I did have a HUGH land mass though maybe confusion

3) I started a war with the English. He had 2 regular warriors, I had 3 regular warriors and 1 conscript fortified in the trees. He attacked me and killed all 4 units? Unbalanced big time!
4) I lost units when reloading a game after stopping. I lost a settler, 3 hoplites and one worker?
5) Will not allow you to set up in the queue multiple wealth and some other items? Why?
6) The game will not let you switch the city that is building a wonder. There are 2 reasons why you need this option. One reason is too start building the better wonder you just discovered. Switching is fine if you want to stop building the one you are currently constructing. Hard to explain this one. Another reason is to start building a wonder you are already building to prepare for the one you are about to discover. Trivial I suppose.
7) Grid never stays on after a reload.
8) No way to check research goals when deciding on what to research next. Something that was handy in the civ series.
9) When selecting destination for a unit you can't send it to a waiting ship. You must stop at and load them in, again trivial.
10) Top 5 cities does not show wonders build right away. You must wait till the next turn to see the results.
11) The clunky interface for selecting units needs some work. It is very difficult to deselect one unit to another sometimes. (maybe just me?)
12) My 3rd game lasted till 1565 AD. I just discovered a new tech, moving toward Nationalism, Steam Power etc. No matter what Tech I picked the game crashed. No recovery possible either.
13) Editor will not show the overview of the map your working on making it very hard to design maps.
14) Game will crash right away if you add in too many bonuses for any civ. If you select more then 4-6 bonuses it will crash. If you make any major changes to the civ it will crash.
15) No ability to place civs at starting locations you desire. How in the world could this be overlooked?
16) There should be improvement in the diplomacy responses. If I am ally with another civ and they are attcked, I should have a response to them to try and quell the war. Seems very unrealistic to me otherways. The interaction between the player and the civs is what makes the civ series entertaining I feel. I suppose all of the war mongers out there have not found any problems. I am a builder and pretty much avoid war until the later stages of the game.
I am now playing a game on a 180x180 world with only the name of the civ changed. I have no tried playing without making a map yet. I am thinking that this may be a reason why I am getting crashes so much. I mean since the scenario editor is not complete. Looking forward to a patch to fix the patch and other issues. Hope this helps!

Desert Dog