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Corruption issue

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  • Corruption issue


    I'm currently playing with the Persians. I started in south africa and am playing on the huge earth map. (v1.16f)

    So I expanded a great deal, ie. to South east asia (india, etc.)
    So I ran into this highly *annoying* corruption thing.
    All the cities outside africa all produce 1 gold, 1 shield, 1 science.
    So then I changed to Democracy...... still the same. You would expect that in such a government the corruption would be a lot less than way.

    I want to build the forbidden palace, but it takes 250 turns to complete in one of the outer cities. So that's not really an option either. As for the courthouse.. 50 turns to complete. All because the production is just 1 shield. (the rest waste)

    So in the current setting it's impossible to build a vast empire.

    Am I doing something wrong?
    If not, is there a way I can change the corruption calculation?
    What is your opinion about it?

  • #2

    Even in a city in that area which has a courthouse still produces 1 shield/gold/science



    • #3
      oh and btw I'm playing on the lowest difficulty level Chieftan


      • #4
        Deleted original post. Did not know there was another version of the patch out. Was playing with fridays patch and had bad corruption. Will repost if have major corruption after new patch.
        Last edited by napalm010; December 9, 2001, 12:47.


        • #5

          I've been playing Persia --for last 72 hrs+

          ran into same catch 22 and wrote to the civ guys.
          Building a forbidden palace in a lawless frontier is next to impossible.

          In the end i had to wait until modern times to be able to finally stick one in (losing countless turns of effciency). Now my empire is so vast that i really need 3 palaces as i still have 1/3 of the world still to conquer.

          I would think the need for palaces should be tied to size of world
          and then number of cities could be a sub requirement.

          With the latest expenses have increased 1300 as a commie!!

