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512 cities... problem

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  • 512 cities... problem

    I had a game on a map I made of the Mediterranean area (huge) before the patch came out. It crashed and I figured this was because the mentioned limit on number of cities had been reached. After I installed the patch I went back to this save game and correctly it didn't crash. Only now the time between turns is insane. By chance I got to see why: The AI still TRIES to found cities, and since the settler isn't allowed to do this, it tries again and again, about 100 times before it gives up. Next turn it's at it again.
    The game was really fun so it was too bad I just deleted the whole thing. Guess I have to make the map smaller next time
    Vir prudens non contra ventum mingit

  • #2
    AI eh? stupid buggers
    Im sorry Mr Civ Franchise, Civ3 was DOA


    • #3
      Same problem here. First it would crash after the AI (or you) tries to build a new city when the limit is reached. Now the AI would just try and build a city over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
      Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


      • #4
        Warning, extremely off-topic post ahead!

        Whoa, Mark, I love that quote in your .sig :> Had never seen it before.

