A question Im toying with various movement rates for ships and wonder if anyone has ideas suggestions....The reason at present the Naval rates dont make sense ..Naval movement and combat is not fluid or strategic simply cumbersome localised and of tactical use only....this is especially valid in the later periods;where in the blink of an eye I can move ground units from where Madrid would be in the real world to Vladivostock by rail or similarly rebase air power from London to Sydney whereas the ships chug on for decades to reach the same goal....I can trade to the other side of the world in an instant also..The real value of sea power in the real world is totally undermined to be able to project power any where in the world quickly...The best solution would be for sea movement to have been built into the game like Air ..rapid redeployment and a limited area model for movement...as it is movement rates need to be gratly increased...but if thats done will it undermine game balance and the AI?? I dont know comment please...But the present balance (especially vis a vis rail or air)is ludricous...
Hope my English is Ok
Hope my English is Ok