not quite. but it sure tried.
Before the patch, i was making 500+ revenue a turn.
After applying the patch, i am now losing 800+
a turn.
Even at 100% revenue i still lose 100.
plus before the patch, i was researching every 6 turns. with patch, it would be 13 turns IF i could afford the same research investment as before patch.
I could have sworn they said they would be DECREASING corruption. I'm pretty sure i did not see them saying decreasing revenue.
The other thing that is really annoying is the random nature of cities (usually over 15 pop) reverting right back to the enemy
a couple turns after you get them. Not only is that not addressed, but now cities that are just behind the front lines -- and have been safe for 3 turns-- now revert back.
I have reloaded the same turn over and over just to see how many times a city will revert. all i can say is that the same city never reverts 2x in 10 tries.
It is very frustrating to lose 20 units that were trying to quell 10 resistors.
I know the easy way would be to blast the city down under 10 before u take it...but that just seems wasteful.

Before the patch, i was making 500+ revenue a turn.
After applying the patch, i am now losing 800+
a turn.
Even at 100% revenue i still lose 100.
plus before the patch, i was researching every 6 turns. with patch, it would be 13 turns IF i could afford the same research investment as before patch.
I could have sworn they said they would be DECREASING corruption. I'm pretty sure i did not see them saying decreasing revenue.
The other thing that is really annoying is the random nature of cities (usually over 15 pop) reverting right back to the enemy
a couple turns after you get them. Not only is that not addressed, but now cities that are just behind the front lines -- and have been safe for 3 turns-- now revert back.
I have reloaded the same turn over and over just to see how many times a city will revert. all i can say is that the same city never reverts 2x in 10 tries.
It is very frustrating to lose 20 units that were trying to quell 10 resistors.
I know the easy way would be to blast the city down under 10 before u take it...but that just seems wasteful.