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WORKERS? Not in my book!

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  • WORKERS? Not in my book!

    One would think with the holiday season being so close at hand, my army of workers would be fortunate to have a job and be able to provide some nice gifts for their families . Ha! These bums are going to be flippin' burgers at Mc Civ if they continue their dismal performance Let me explain.

    Usually when I reach the modern age and beyond, I prefer to automate my workers to avoid the tediousness of manually instructing each one The problem is they have a habit of hiding in my cities when there's work to be done! I've got pollution to clean up and railroads to build and there they are playing cards in the shop. They even have that 'red' dot above their head to make me think that they have been working! When I am in the city screen I have to manually activate each one and put them to work. Where's their work ethic?

    Has anyone else experienced this kind of slacking by your public workers?

    Oh crap, I hope I didn't hire TEMPS! Oh No........
    Nothing beats a Cream of Mushroom Soup Sandwich. Yummy..

  • #2
    Nah! You didn't hire temps; its those damn unions at it again!


    • #3
      They're WORKERS, whaddaya expect? You gotta give them instructions--leave 'em to think for themselves, of course they'll screw up!

