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Who is this guy?

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  • Who is this guy?

    This is from a game I started after installing the second patch.

    In general, trying to do anything with this "civ" crashes the game -- right-clicking on a unit, trying to contact from Foreign advisor screen, etc. (Unhandled exception) Sometimes if I reload the game, on the second attempt it works okay.

    After a while, I decided to put him out of his misery and captured both his (size 1) cities. One was razed without asking; I was able to take the capital without its being destroyed.

    The "Barbarian Laborer" was there, I think, but there was no face on the city screen. After about a dozen turns of building a Temple, it's now reached the point that the game crashes whenever I try to access the city screen. Game hosed.
    Attached Files
    "When all else fails, a pigheaded refusal to look facts in the face will see us through." -- General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett

  • #2
    I've tried the patch today, too, and indeed mighty funny things happen.

    For starters in the editor sometimes my changes seem to be lost mysteriously. Now I'll admit it _is_ possible that I was just too tired and pressed "no" instead of "yes" when asked to save, once or twice. I don't think so, but what the hey... But this thing seems to have been happened a dozen times today.

    Or in one game, a spearman unit mysteriously appeared in one of my cities when I built the city. I and was trying to build, yes, a new spearman. The Settler had no escort, so I don't know where the hey did that unit come from. I thought wth, maybe I'm just asleep and brought it there myself. So I ignore it. BUT... To make thing even more weird, it just disbanded itself in my city the instant I hit space to end the turn.

    Dunno where that came from, but hey, thanks for the shields buddy...

    Which kind of makes me think... The city was built on the exact spot of a barbarian camp that I had destroyed a couple of turns earlier. AND I had set the default barbarian unit to be a spearman instead of warrior, with the editor. (So they are better at defending their camps, instead of cheap xp and money for everyone's units.) Could it be that a barbarian tried to spawn there in my city, then commited harakiri? Just a wild guess.


    • #3
      I think it is like it says - a barbarian chiefdom. I don't know how these form, maybe barbarians can capture settlers.. i didn't think they could capture cities anymore.
      They seem to be like the old civ2 barbarians though, when they catch a city they become like a city.
      In the Editor you can set what units can be built by a 'barbarian chiefdom' perhaps these haven't properly been added yet.

      Did you have a lot of barbarian tribes surviving late into the game? maybe they started settling proper cities/ became full cities?
      if there were big unpopulated parts of the world perhaps thats how these barbarians made a civilisation.. the editors also got city names in it I think so it follows for them to be able to make cities.


      • #4
        They showed up in the Histograph, where they were easily dead last in both Power & Culture. I don't know what they were researching, if anything, but as far as I could see, their two cities never built anything except Warriors.

        This is the first time I've seen a Barbarian civ in Civ3, and I was wondering if anyone else had seen this. The fact that the game crashed so frequently when I referenced them in some way makes me think that this either wasn't intended to be part of the game, or is incompletely implemented.
        "When all else fails, a pigheaded refusal to look facts in the face will see us through." -- General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett

