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Population Number

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  • Population Number

    After loading the first game with version 1.16f, the first thing I noticed was the terribly looking population number text. I immediatly skimmed though the forums to see if there were other people having the same problem and soon I did notice several complains. However, I think this issue should have its own thread so here it is.
    If anyone doesn't know what I'm exactly talikng about, please have a look at my attachement... I just wonder why that shadow was added, it is extremely ugly and disturbing as it destroys the former beautiful look of the game. Surely, this one is only a graphics problem, but as for me, the overall game quality heavily suffers under it.
    Thus, my petition to Firaxis is the following: Please change the number to its old look as soon as you have the time, I think the patch is not enjoyable with this graphics problem.

    Best Regards,
    Dwarf Lord
    Attached Files

  • #2
    So its ok to whine about numbers that are a lil bit harder to read, but its not ok to complain about tanks beating spearmen.

    Well I dont think this is a bug more of a "Balance" issue. As it wouldnt of happened unless they wanted it too.

    Im sorry Mr Civ Franchise, Civ3 was DOA


    • #3
      im with u on that one man


      • #4
        What it is okay to do, Wrong, is to log one's complaint about a bug or ameliorable game feature.

        What it is not okay to do, behaviorally speaking, is to pitch hissy fits — to rant, threaten, cajole, warn, insult, dare, browbeat, taunt, spam, troll, and badger one's way into every thread on every topic for no reason other than to vent some inexplicable psychotic anger over an intrinsic and unchangeable game feature, or over a company guarding its proprietary secrets, or over a legitimate legal action against piracy and copyright infringement.

        Compare Venger and Yin, for example.

        Dwarflord, you're right about the pop numbers. That particular complaint has been logged elsewhere.
        "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


        • #5
          Oh Jee, I AM WITH YOU ON THIS ONE!

          I don't remember reading anywhere that the font needed to be fixed on the population levels, so why the hell did they tweak it???

          And who the hell at Firaxis thought that this ugly, ugly, ugly shadow effect was appropriate? Who did this, a bloody intern with a glass eye? Was there no quality control here?

          It's obviously incredibly ugly, obviously an eyesore and obviously hard to read.

          GET RID OF IT!!!!
          Orange and Tangerine Juice. More mellow than an orange, more orangy than a tangerine. It's alot like me, but without all the pulp.

          ~~ Shamelessly stolen from someone with talent.


          • #6
            Where did you get that font for your population numbers?

            My population numbers don't use that font, and the shadow added with my numbers' font actually does improve the visibility of the numbers greatly.

            If you customized the font, don't expect Firaxis to have to fix everything just for you.



            • #7
              umm, what is wrong with the number on the picture?
              I don't see anything wrong...


              • #8
                I must agree that new font looks pretty bad. The old one had its flaws though. Playing Romans, (red), made it impossible to read population from the map if your cities were starving, since red on red is hard to see.

                I assume yellow on yellow was hard too...



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Sevorak
                  Where did you get that font for your population numbers?

                  My population numbers don't use that font, and the shadow added with my numbers' font actually does improve the visibility of the numbers greatly.

                  If you customized the font, don't expect Firaxis to have to fix everything just for you.

                  I'm not using any modified fonts for civ3, the only "Mod" I have currently applied is the one which allows you to see the effects of wonders after their completion, and I highly doubt that this one affects the way fonts are displayed.

                  However, you have made me curious... Could you please post a screenshot from you population numbers? Have you compared your Numbers to the one in my screenshot? And how can I find out what font I'm using?

                  Dwarf Lord


                  • #10
                    My font looks just like that, Sevorak, and I haven't "customized" anything.

                    And Peets, 3's are actually decent looking, but try reading a 4 and you'd understand. The shadows make the numbers EXTREMELY difficult to read.

                    What does your font look like, Sevorak?? Screenshot, please! And if anyone knows how to "customize" that font, I'd LOVE to do so to make it look good like Sevorak claims his system does :>


                    • #11
                      Can't Say I Notice a Difference

                      I've got the patch now, and I don't really have a hard time reading anything.

                      I can't see a difference between your font and mine Dwarf Lord, but I can still see everything clearly...

                      Having never played Egyptian or Roman, I don't know about the yellow-on-yellow or red-on-red issues...

                      Oh well. In the grand scheme of things, it's a minor glitch.

                      - Ash
                      There is a thin line between insanity and genius. I have erased this line.


                      • #12
                        Re: Can't Say I Notice a Difference

                        Originally posted by Asharak
                        I've got the patch now, and I don't really have a hard time reading anything.

                        I can't see a difference between your font and mine Dwarf Lord, but I can still see everything clearly...

                        Having never played Egyptian or Roman, I don't know about the yellow-on-yellow or red-on-red issues...

                        Oh well. In the grand scheme of things, it's a minor glitch.

                        - Ash
                        My problem isn't that the numbers are a little bit more difficult to read (though it is slightly disturbing). The thing is that, when I load my game and see the lots of these immensly ugly numbers, I get so bothered that I quit moments later.

                        I will consider removing the patch again until this thing is fixed, because currently, I don't have fun with the game. Frankly, I simply can't bare looking at these damned-awful numbers all the time!

                        Dwarf Lord


                        • #13
                          They indeed are more horrid even than the meandering railroads.
                          "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                          • #14
                            Well, while playing certain civ/color, it was very hard to see in certain situation, making it truly unreadable. So, they tried to fix it.

                            Is it better now? Well, at least you are now always able to read it, whatever the situation is, but it doesn't blend well with the rest of the game unfortunately...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Karhgath
                              Well, while playing certain civ/color, it was very hard to see in certain situation, making it truly unreadable. So, they tried to fix it.

                              Is it better now? Well, at least you are now always able to read it, whatever the situation is, but it doesn't blend well with the rest of the game unfortunately...
                              Actually, more accurately, you used to have a hard time reading the numbers when the foreground and background colors were nearly the same...

                              ...Now, you have a hard time reading the numbers all the time!

                              Great fix! ;>

