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Can you sink ships with airplanes with the new patch? if u cant im not playing it?

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  • Can you sink ships with airplanes with the new patch? if u cant im not playing it?

    Could someone please tell me if airplanes can sink ships and/or destroy groung units in this patch? I am not going to load up the game untill I know. If I can then I will begin playing again, but if not, I'm going to continue playing other games. Thank you.


  • #2
    I think I've earned my cigarettes, thank you.
    "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


    • #3
      Why don't you download the patch and find out?


      • #4

        *Previous two posters explode in a ball of flames*

        I think that's why they couldn't tell you. And my condolences to their families..


        • #5
          No, it's not addressed in the patch, because it was a design decision. Soren addressed this already in his Apolyton chat.

          I understood the reasoning too, that you would need to build a navy to finish off ships. Why not? Name one fleet action ever that was solely air power vs. naval power, where the naval power was completely destroyed and unable to limp back home (ie 1 HP left).

          Why is this a game-breaker for you? Are you unable to adapt to new circumstances? I mean, I'm sorry you have to change your playing style somewhat, but it is their game, they have a right to design it the way they see fit.


          • #6
            Air power destroying Naval power.

            I seem to recall a certain battle (that happens to have an anniversary today) in which the Japanese Air Force pretty much destroyed the US Pacific fleet.

            In case you don't remember, it was called Pearl Harbor.

            I think it is assanine that jets cannot sink ships in Civ3. It's just stupid. I guarantee you that if an enemy fleet showed up in New York harbor, it would be the F-15s, F-18 and all the air power on the east coast that would take them down. It would simply take too long to bring ships into play.
            [END OF LINE...]


            • #7
              Pearl Harbor, Midway, just about most of the Pacific actions in WWII. Ships did not engage each other, the airplanes did the dirty work.

              I think there should be a small chance for aircraft to sink ships, and vice versa.

              Ground forces, that's a different story. Works fine in the game.


              • #8
                actually we are also forgetting the true power of the navy today...the aircraft carrier group. i have to admit, it's absurd that airplanes can't sink vessels. if that's changable in the editor, then i have to make that change myself. if not, i hope that the patch corrects that.

                design decision or not, air power should be able to sink ships.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Disk Killer
                  I understood the reasoning too, that you would need to build a navy to finish off ships. Why not? Name one fleet action ever that was solely air power vs. naval power, where the naval power was completely destroyed and unable to limp back home (ie 1 HP left.)
                  US Navy and Army Air Force attacks on Japanese transports and destroyers attempting to reinforce Guadacanal.

                  US attacks on the Yamato...

                  Many many incidents where single Japanese transports were sunk by the US.


                  • #10
                    Indeed, Disk Killer, the responses to your post are right on. Name your naval battle where the enemy just couldn't limp home... Midway is the most telling, the utter destruction of any Japanese forward theater operational capabilities occurred at that battle.

                    To not sink ships with aircraft is ridiculous, and a BAD design decision.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dmc507
                      I am not going to load up the game untill I know. If I can then I will begin playing again, but if not, I'm going to continue playing other games. Thank you.
                      Frankly, I dont think that many gamers gives a **** whether you choose to play Civ-3, or not. OK, go on then - play other games. I suspect you have Firaxis permission to do that.


                      • #12
                        there's no limping on the sea. either it floats or it sinks.
                        I hate Civ3!


                        • #13
                          Strangely enough, the AI sunk one of my battleships last night with a cruise missile. I didn't think this was possible since it's function is bombard. Has anyone else seen this happen?


                          • #14
                            Ships have little use as it is, why completely destroy their power.


                            • #15
                              A) I look at the individual units in Civ3 to be the equivalent of a battle/transport group. Individual sinkings are not the example I am looking for. I'm talking about the permanent destruction of a battle/transport group.

                              B) Japan lost 4 carriers of the 9 carriers they had at the battle of Midway. The rest of the carrier group [groups, actually] limped home. Civ3 equivalent: 2 carriers both damaged down to 1 HP each. SOURCE:

                              C) I can guarantee you that US Navy assets would indeed be involved in the defense of the US East Coast. Unless someone has developed ships that can suddenly appear out of thin air (how does one figure that the US Navy would not have time to respond to a naval threat?)

                              D) Pearl Harbor was devastating for the US Navy, but it is historical revisionism to describe it as "pretty much destroying the US Pacific Fleet"; The United States permanently lost THREE ships: The USS Arizona, USS Oklahoma and USS Utah. The rest were are repaired (three others were sunk only to be raised, repaired and returned to service!)

                              There were TWENTY Navy ships in harbor at the time of the attack. This is the most obvious air power attack on surface assets in World History; and yet it succeeded in the loss of only 15% of the US Fleet at Pearl Harbor. And in 2 1/2 years, all other damaged vessels were back in service. SOURCE:

                              Any other questions?

