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New Resource Ideas

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  • New Resource Ideas

    As a help for future Firaxis games, as well as a source of inspiration for modders, I thought I'd start a thread about resources you'd like to see in the game. My ideas are.

    1) Cats. I mean, same as horses, really. Think about it: even after catching enough horses to have 100 regiments of horsemen, knights, cavalry and cossaks, noone in your empire ever noticed that some are male and some are female, and they can be bred instead of needing a strategic supply of horses. Or those cows on your fields, which you can't breed more of. So why should a fundamental animal like the cat be overlooked like that?

    Think of the opportunities. Think of how you could corner the world market for cats and make your opponents beg for some. Think of the fight for securing a colony that harvests the cute little furballs and ships them to your towns. In crates of 12, even

    Either way, cats would act both as a luxury (+1 happy face) and as a strategic resource. You'd need to secure a supply of cats before you can build granaries.

    2) Frying pans. In the tradition of needing natural Latex, not even synthetic rubber to build Infantry, or Oil to build Paratroopers which don't even have their own planes. You'd need to secure a steady supply of frying pans to use as hubcaps for all your wheeled vehicles. (After your workers cut their handles off, of course) No frying pans, no wheels for you.

    3) TV's and other electronics. Think about it. The greatest drug of this century, television. The ultimate luxury. The imports and exports of high tech electronics. Since the game only allows trading of natural luxuries (synthetic dyes anyone?), and you can't even manufacture industrial luxuries, we'll have to pretend they grow on trees. Thus, they would appear only on jungle squares.

  • #2
    So why should a fundamental animal like the cat be overlooked like that?
    I think you're right but I'd rather make them a unit (with 9 times as many hit points as every other unit) as well as a strategy resource.

    Their attack value should also increase by +1 point everytime you move them also.


    4) Cocaine. A luxery that makes 2 unhappy citizens "kind of a bit dizzy but feeling good". That way you could build a drug-baron empire!



    • #3
      Hey Moraelin, I can hardly wait for your mod so that I can colonize those TVs!

      And rid102, cocaine?!?
      Let's treat this thread seriously, ok?
      "BANANA POWAAAAH!!! (exclamation Zopperoni style)" - Mercator, in the OT 'What fruit are you?' thread
      Join the Civ2 Democratic Game! We have a banana option in every poll just for you to vote for!
      Many thanks to Zealot for wasting his time on the jobs section at Gamasutra - MarkG in the article SMAC2 IN FULL 3D?
      Always thought settlers looked like Viking helmets. Took me a while to spot they were supposed to be wagons. - The pirate about Settlers in Civ 1


      • #4
        And rid102, cocaine?!?
        I'm starting to think that really cats should just be their own civ. Although they shouldn't be allowed to build cities, they just take over everyone elses and laze about.

        Narcotics are a great idea.

        They would open the door for having legal and illegal resources.

        It would also add a moral dimension to the game. Do you turn your populace into a load of crackheads by building a road to that Cocaine resource, while keeping disorder down? Or do you lose world reputation by commiting an illegal act and selling your Cocaine to the highest bidder? Can you afford to not exploit those five tiles of Cocaine you've got?

        I'd certainly love to see this


        • #5
          I love the idea, but you know some people would just loose it at the thought of drugs being in the game.

          And now for my own addition, with engineering you can plant marijuana crops. Also if you think about it Slavery is in the game, it can be profitable to sell those workers you are pumping out in a low resource high food city.
          "Hindsight is all well and good... until you trip." - Said by me


          • #6
            I love the idea, but you know some people would just loose it at the thought of drugs being in the game.
            Quite possible. But as at least 90% of the people on this board seem to be crack addicts, I kind of thought it was OK.

            IMHO adding drugs to Civ3 (and I don't mean smoking pot while you play) would be a Holy Grail feature: it adds fun ("the fanboy camp will be pleased!") as well as realism ("the realism whiners can move onto something else to moan about").

            Everyone's a winner! (err, except you populace who are a bunch of dope fiends.)


            • #7

              How could they have omitted this strategic resouce?
              "When all else fails, a pigheaded refusal to look facts in the face will see us through." -- General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett


              • #8
                Actually, I have another idea:

                5) Game CD's. How many of us are made totally happy by natural dyes? Right. Not that many. I mean, did you ever feel a need to throw a "We love the president" party, just because you bought a totally fabulously coloured shirt? Well, good for you, but I never did But computer games... now THAT is THE luxury market of the 21'st century.

                Well, actually I think that should be built in cities, like city improvements are. And if you rush production, you have to spend more turns building a patch

                But since you can't build luxuries, we'll have to assume they grow on trees, too. (And judging by some companies' support, they might as well And no, I'm not talking about Firaxis this time.) Or maybe we should make them grow in the desert, to give all those global warming tiles late in the game some more use.


                • #9
                  Ooh, Coffee. Now THAT indeed is a GREAT idea. Thanks. That should definitely be a strategic resource. You can't have programmers without a good supply of coffee.


                  • #10
                    You know it would make having factories doubly useful. If you have oil you could create a petroleum based resource, plasitcs, and trade them with other civs. Same with other natural resources, you could have an manufactured product based on them which would have a higher happiness value for your civ and enhanced trade value.
                    The poster formerly known as Xenia and Xev Worshiper.

