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Rush Jobs?

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  • Rush Jobs?

    Stupid questions, but for rush jobs, wat kind of effect does it have on ur civilization besides immigration? does it affect only the city or the whole civilization, will it cause people to go content or unhappy?

    and how often do people immigrate? wat're the long term effects?

  • #2
    immigrate? I have no clue what you are talking about

    and there are 2 types of rush jobs. One for despotism/communism. and one for monarchy/republic/democracy.


    • #3
      arent ppl suppose to start leaving if u do too much rush jobs or something?

      im demo, i pay to rush.


      • #4
        no one leaves. in despotism or communism they DIE (ie sacrifice themselves) to rush build a improvement or unit.

        In democracy/republic/monarchy it just costs gold.

        and that would be emigration, not immigration. JK. my english isn't good enough to correct other people's. I went to public schools.


        • #5
          hmmm, heh, sry i knew it wuz emigration..hehe

          thx, but wat about draft. i never got that. like some unhappy says they dun like draft, howd i stop it?

          and the draft button on the city menus, watre those supposed to do? i click on em nothing happens.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dissident
            no one leaves. in despotism or communism they DIE (ie sacrifice themselves) to rush build a improvement or unit.
            In the civilopedia, it's said that people "quit the city due to too harsh work condition". Well, of course it's only a politically correct conception of forced labor
            Probably that the idea of literally working to death people was a little too shocking.
            But then, I doubt that the people sacrifice THEMSELVES. I rather see that they are whipped a little beyond their life resistance...
            Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


            • #7
              hmm, yeah

              and about the draft. I'm not sure. I never used it. But I'm sure you lose 1 pop. point, for each unit that is created.


              • #8
                well when u draft a unit you lose one pop point, and one citizen becomes unhappy for 10 turns.

                as far as rush jobs, citizens get pissed off at working too hard, so some of them emmigrate (they leave your empire). However, i also read that they sacrifice themselves, so they die. I dont know which is right. Maybe its both.


                • #9
                  Does it really matter whether they die or run away? I mean, it's not like you've ever had a population spike in your cities because the Aztecs were getting loose with the whip. Although that would be pretty cool... Anyway, even if Firaxis says one way or the other, it makes no difference because the effects are the same and that's all you have to go on.

