Why is everyone complaining about spearmen killing tanks is unrealistic but no one complains about following unrealistic things:
1) Tanks being able to capture cities. Modern tanks work VERY badly in cities. It is very easy in city for defenders to use anti-tank weapons. Just try to imagine 100 tanks (No idea how many tanks one modern armor unit in civ3 is suuposed to present but I bet it is less than 100.) trying to invade New York and force it to produce more tanks, money and science for invaders.
2) Units not being able to shoot back at airplanes. No modern army moves without anti aircraft weapons.
3) Killing of fortified defenders is way too easy. It should require about 3 times more power to succesfully attack to fortified position. So you would need at least 3 warriors to kill single warrior defending city or 3 archers/horsemen to kill one spearman defending city.
4) Upgrading of spearmen to mech. infantry. (Or almost any steps between.) There is no similarity at all between mech. infantry and spearmen. How can exteremely good spear user (elite spearman) be cahnged to extremely good mechanized infantry (elite unit) instantly by just giving them money to buy new weapons and vehicles?
5) ...
And so one... I could go on forever...
These unrealistic aspects work in favour of player. Spearmen killing tanks is 99% times your tank and computers spearman. So people complain about that single unrealistic thing.
1) Tanks being able to capture cities. Modern tanks work VERY badly in cities. It is very easy in city for defenders to use anti-tank weapons. Just try to imagine 100 tanks (No idea how many tanks one modern armor unit in civ3 is suuposed to present but I bet it is less than 100.) trying to invade New York and force it to produce more tanks, money and science for invaders.
2) Units not being able to shoot back at airplanes. No modern army moves without anti aircraft weapons.
3) Killing of fortified defenders is way too easy. It should require about 3 times more power to succesfully attack to fortified position. So you would need at least 3 warriors to kill single warrior defending city or 3 archers/horsemen to kill one spearman defending city.
4) Upgrading of spearmen to mech. infantry. (Or almost any steps between.) There is no similarity at all between mech. infantry and spearmen. How can exteremely good spear user (elite spearman) be cahnged to extremely good mechanized infantry (elite unit) instantly by just giving them money to buy new weapons and vehicles?
5) ...
And so one... I could go on forever...
These unrealistic aspects work in favour of player. Spearmen killing tanks is 99% times your tank and computers spearman. So people complain about that single unrealistic thing.