judging from other threads, including the lengthy one about random numbers, it is clear that superior numbers is the best way to win wars. You can never go wrong by building tons of horsemans and just running over the ai. To do this you need a decent amount of cities. Unfortunately this only gives humans one way to fight wars.
I myself don't really care, because I build lots of units anyways so the ai respects me. but I do realize people want to substitute high tech instead of high numbers. They want a more efficient fighting force.
As it stands now, you cannot win a war with few amounts of units than the ai. I'm almost certain that I win more battles when I have more units than the ai. This is why I never get the spearman defeats calvary deal. It never happens to me because I always have a superior number of units.
So in short there is little flexibility in combat. Just build more units than the ai has, and you've won the game. But I really don't give a sh!t about FP/HP. I just want more flexibility for people that like to play the game differently. I personally don't mind moving 50 calvary accross the screen, but some people would rather just move 5 or 10 modern armour.
I myself don't really care, because I build lots of units anyways so the ai respects me. but I do realize people want to substitute high tech instead of high numbers. They want a more efficient fighting force.
As it stands now, you cannot win a war with few amounts of units than the ai. I'm almost certain that I win more battles when I have more units than the ai. This is why I never get the spearman defeats calvary deal. It never happens to me because I always have a superior number of units.
So in short there is little flexibility in combat. Just build more units than the ai has, and you've won the game. But I really don't give a sh!t about FP/HP. I just want more flexibility for people that like to play the game differently. I personally don't mind moving 50 calvary accross the screen, but some people would rather just move 5 or 10 modern armour.