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"Random" civs not so random

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  • "Random" civs not so random

    I remember this problem from CTP and CTP2 as well. I start a new game and select to have 4 random computer opponents. I ALWAYS get the ENGLISH, FRENCH, RUSSIA, GERMANY (or AMERICA if I am playing as one of the others). This isn't too random.

    It would be nice to have no idea whom I playing against. Knowing these civs are my opponents, I don't have to worry about what path I decide to take. I know the English aren't going to leave their own continent to settle (at least not very quickly)...I know the French and Germans aren't going to expand very quickly either. It just takes a whole aspect of the game right out of it....

  • #2
    Re: "Random" civs not so random

    Originally posted by Mkinser
    I remember this problem from CTP and CTP2 as well. I start a new game and select to have 4 random computer opponents. I ALWAYS get the ENGLISH, FRENCH, RUSSIA, GERMANY (or AMERICA if I am playing as one of the others). This isn't too random.
    From the patch readme:
    * Added "Culturally Linked Starting Locations" (civs are placed on maps in close proximity to other civs of the same culture; please note that not using this pref can lead to sub-optimal arrangements of civ colors)

    It's not really clear if the fix is only about where the civs start or if it will also affect which civs are playing. I hope it's the second.


    • #3
      The same happens with the random tech you get as a scietific civ. I always got monotheism with the Germans upon entering the second age.
      Persistance knows no defeat!
      Gott gibt uns die Nüsse, aber er beißt sie uns nicht auf.
      (J. W. von Goethe)

