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Ideas for next patch: POSITIVE POSTS ONLY PLEASE!

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  • Ideas for next patch: POSITIVE POSTS ONLY PLEASE!

    First off, I qould just like to say thank you. A good deal of concerns have been addressed in the patch, so at least we know y'all are paying attention. This patch is very promising, but I do hope to see more changes in the future.

    1. My largest concern is that you must complete all (or MOST is probably better) of the techs in a given age before progressing. I really feel this is a great limitor of strategy ina a strategy game.

    2. Another important point is Capitols. This needs to be changed, without question. The civ2 capital system is perfect in my opinion. When your capital is taken, a couple of things should happen! First, corruption should run rampant through your empire. Secondly, You should have a chance of civil war, just like civ2. Finally, capitals should have to be rebuilt, not instantly relocated for free. Here, it would be important to be able to rush build though.

    3. Finally, Tech should be aquired from taking an enemy city. NOT ONLY TECH, but one should have the option to take either tech, or maps. REALISTICALLY, if an enemy city was assimilated, there would be a good chance you would learn SOMETHING from it. Tech, or maybe atleast REGIONAL maps, similar to those gotten from huts.

    All in all, great job! much more encompassing that expected! I do hope you consider what I say though, as I feel it would greatly add to the STRATEGY which should be required for such a STRATEGY game...

    "Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)

    "I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."

  • #2
    I can't but help to laugh at the humour in this situation. Right there on page 1 is a thread about ideas for future patches, yet you still found the need to post your thread about ideas for future patches. Go here for an already on going discussion about ideas for future patches; I have all of the ideas already mentioned pretty well organized. Again I have to laugh because so many times as of late people want to post a thread about a topic that has already been posted as a thread.
    However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


    • #3
      Stacked units

      Starting locations

      Combat. The winning and losing statistics aren't very natural...

      Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


      • #4
        Things I would like to see....

        1. More treaty options:

        -The ability to trade units, even outside of technical abilities.
        -Nonproliferation pacts preventing each side from giving away or selling certian techs
        -Arms Limitation treaties allowing civs to set limits of certian types of weapons, like each civ may make 20 modern armor at most, or each civ may make a maximum of 1 ICBM, or even one civilization will produce no ICBMs while the other will pay 20 gp a turn for reassurances of the fact
        -Basing treaties (The ability to station your troops in the other civ's cities
        -Flyover treaties (Like right of passage for vehicles on air missions, otherwise, it should be a diplomatic slap in the face)
        -Pollution treaties(Per city or overall)

        2. Military changes:

        -Double hitpoints and rate of fire
        -Shorten the life bar graphic, or else the above change will cause minor graphical glitches
        -Allow larger edited maximum ranges (64+ would be ideal)
        -Make navies more powerful overall

        3. General changes:

        -Joan of Arc or Jeanne d'Arc. It's one or the other, but I'm partial to the second.
        -Allow flat maps
        -Make Americans Religous instead of Industrious (How many of us are posting from work?)
        -Allow toroidal maps (Just make the top connect the bottom)
        -Let us trade grain across the trade network
        -Bring back commerce bonuses to trade in some form or another. If a city has luxury resources in its radius, then when it's connected to the network, it should get an extra commerce bonus.

        (As a side note, you can tell lots about the playing style of a player by the mods they want. I am definitely a diplomatic type.)


        • #5
          Please post in this ALREADY EXISTING THREAD!!! any suggestions for the next patch. Thank you
          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

