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City Happygraph?

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  • City Happygraph?

    Civ2 had a small display on a city screen where it showed the "base" happiness of a city, and then stepwise it displayed how all the various factors combined to make people happy and angry.

    Is there a way I can get this same type of info in Civ3?

    For instance, I've been population rushing a LOT, and my populace is super-pissed. I've got angry people in a pop 3 city even though it has a temple and 3 luxurys, etc. So, I'd like to find out HOW angry I'm making people,


  • #2
    If you double-click on an unhappy citizen, it will pop up a display of the reasons for unhappiness. Handy, but it isn't quite what you're looking for.


    • #3
      yeah sophist, you're right. Totally NOT what I'm looking fore.

      The old happygraph was really well-done.

      Now I get a 3d view that has every town I build next to a river.



      • #4
        It didn't make it....

        Maybe in the x-pack.....



        • #5
          As near as I can tell, the only negative modifiers to happiness are population rushing and ethnicity warfare.

          Ethnicity warfare: if you're the French, at war with the Germans, and you have a German citizen in a city, then I *think* that city will have one more unhappy citizen than normal as long as you're at war.

          Population rushing: I did some work on this in another thread. Length doesn't stack, but total unhappiness does; that is:

          turn 1: poprush 3
          turn 2-4: 3 unhappiness
          turn 5: poprush 5
          turn 6-15: 8 unhappiness
          turn 16-20: 5 unhappiness
          turn 21+: no unhappiness

          So, you can always wait 20 turns (or however long its been since your last round of poprushing) to clear out any lingering unhappiness.

          To actually keep that unhappiness under control:

          Religious buildings provide a floor below which happiness can't fall (on emperor level, a city with temple/colloseum/cathedral will always have at least 7 content or better citizens). Next, any military police always make one citizen content each, the same as buildings.

          Finally, any surplus luxuries produced from luxury goods, the marketplace luxury good bonus, or taxation first makes up any poprush unhappiness (you need 5 luxuries to cancel out 5 poprush unhappiness), and then adds up normally to keep the populace in line.


          • #6
            If you're a republic or democracy, war weariness will also make your citizens unhappy. Conscription makes people unhappy under all governments.

