A bunch of people are clamoring about the combat system being "a brilliant way of ballancing combat between disparate civs." I say the combat system is plain brocken and in any case all doesn't achieve "the goal" of ballancing combat. all it does is induce frustration in the player and utter disbelief.
Instead of having tanks loose to archers as a way of ballancing the game, why not instead use variable maintanace pay rates for unite support? This way an advanced civilization can deploy advanced weapons which actually have a chance to defeat BC armoment but at a higher price. This way tactics play a much greater role in combat (which i HOPE was the original intent or someone stop me) AND combet outcomes get to be on this side of reasonable. What it comes down to is, you can't rush your neighbore who has garrisoned musketmen with 100 tanks because they can't all be supported. But by the same token, a much smaller amount of modern "armies" with tanks aren't likely to be grinded down by ancient units in the most perverse ways imaginable.
Of course this would mean that a new combat AI system would have to be put in place to make this all worth while.
But I mean, didn't this idea occure to anyone on the development team?
Instead of having tanks loose to archers as a way of ballancing the game, why not instead use variable maintanace pay rates for unite support? This way an advanced civilization can deploy advanced weapons which actually have a chance to defeat BC armoment but at a higher price. This way tactics play a much greater role in combat (which i HOPE was the original intent or someone stop me) AND combet outcomes get to be on this side of reasonable. What it comes down to is, you can't rush your neighbore who has garrisoned musketmen with 100 tanks because they can't all be supported. But by the same token, a much smaller amount of modern "armies" with tanks aren't likely to be grinded down by ancient units in the most perverse ways imaginable.
Of course this would mean that a new combat AI system would have to be put in place to make this all worth while.
But I mean, didn't this idea occure to anyone on the development team?