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Rate of Fire

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  • Rate of Fire

    What is rate of fire?

  • #2
    A poorly named combat component that determines the maximum amount of damage a bombardment unit may do in a single attack. If you have a rate of fire of four, your unit may cause 1,2,3, or 4 points of damage in a successful bombard hit.



    • #3
      I had this same question...

      at first, I'd be really excited when I'd get an upgraded unit with a higher rate of fire... sorta thinking "ooh, excellent... this must make em do like triple or sumpthin."

      And then said unit rushes out and gets slaughtered by a single rate of fire pikeman. Now, unless spearmen and their contemporaries have developed some sort of ballistic spear launching device... sorry, off track...

      So does anyone know what this means?
      My Message Board:
      Completely un-civ related, but still fun.


      • #4
        If youre talking catapults or any other bombardment unit, you should know that they are defenseless and therfore, they are captured if attacked by an enemy unit.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Venger
          A poorly named combat component that determines the maximum amount of damage a bombardment unit may do in a single attack. If you have a rate of fire of four, your unit may cause 1,2,3, or 4 points of damage in a successful bombard hit.

          Don't forget the almighty '0'. You can have an artillery piece successfully hit a target, but not deal any damage. i.e. a unit with a ROF of 4 can deal between 0 and 4 points of damage. Why is this? I have no idea. Perhaps a 2nd check to make sure artillery isn't too powerful, another example of the watered-down Civ3 combat system.
          Making the Civ-world a better place (and working up to King) one post at a time....

