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Cavalry Moves Faster Than Tanks?

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  • Cavalry Moves Faster Than Tanks?

    Forgive me if this has been posted. I know it's no use complaining about since I could just mod it anyway, but I was curious, is anyone else amazed by this and can anyone use their imagination to justify this before I go playing around with the settings?

  • #2
    yeah, i cannot believe that cavalry does not automatically pillage grasslands into plains - after all, those horses graze on something, right?


    • #3
      That's pretty funny.


      • #4
        Yes, but they provide fertilizer in exchange!


        • #5
          oh, and their piss provides a 1-turn irrigation effect


          • #6
            Well I can see LaRusso is bringing his usual amount of blinding ignorance to yet another thread...

            Raleigh -

            It's a little strange, but I can accept it - assuming the tank unit is an early tank, they did not have a very high speed at all - think early WW2 model. A Cavalry unit could indeed outrun that tank unit.

            What's truly inane however is that mechanized infantry are just a two move unit. That's nuts. Of course, I fixed that, but left the tank alone at 2, considering the modern armor gets a three move.



            • #7
              Cavaly Faster Than Tanks...

              I don't have to use my imagination- I think I can actually use history. This is all my opinions, yadda yadda...- here goes.
              Speed in Civ3 is a combination of tactical speed- how fast a thing can actually move, and strategic speed, how fast an army or unit of those things can move. For example, Panzers have a move 3 not because they were really 1/3 faster than other tanks, but because Geman strategic docterine invented Blitzkrieg. With me so far?
              Anyhow, horses vs WWI tanks is no contest so I won't get into that. Vs. WWII tanks, logistically horses have a lot of advantages, mostly that they don't need fuel (other than food) and they don't get sand, grit, mud, or whatever in their mechanisms and breakdown, both of which were huge problems for all sides in WWII but esp. on the eastern front and in N. Africa.
              As for top speed, I think a typical WWII tank had a top speed of 25-30 mph or so, and I think horses run as fast as that. (maybe) So therefore Cavalry = speed 3 and Tank = speed 2. Of course with Modern Armor, it's another story..


              • #8
                Originally posted by Venger
                Well I can see LaRusso is bringing his usual amount of blinding ignorance to yet another thread...
                well good that you could jump in and explain us that horses do not require fuel and spare parts and are therefore, less of a logistical drag.


                • #9
                  Yeah, I had a hard time believing that too. My modern armor now has a move of 4 and mech infantry is 3.

                  I really don't see how a horse can go faster than a modern mechanized infantry unit.

                  As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy.
                  -Christopher Dawson, The Judgment of Nations, 1942


                  • #10
                    Another day, another thread infested by La "wannabe netcop" Russo's off topic drivel.

                    I've wondered about that myself and I think all the modern units got to few movement points, doubling the movement points for all units starting with infantry would make sense.
                    Mech inf need another boost to be brought at par with modern armor though.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dev
                      Another day, another thread infested by La "wannabe netcop" Russo's off topic drivel.

                      I've wondered about that myself and I think all the modern units got to few movement points, doubling the movement points for all units starting with infantry would make sense.
                      Mech inf need another boost to be brought at par with modern armor though.

                      as pretty much everything that you 'think' or 'wonder' about, this is yet another bad idea. giving more MPs to units would tilt it to blitzkrieg again


                      • #12
                        Does this mean that when a cavalry attacks a tank, the cavalry can retreat?


                        • #13
                          At least I think, which is more than can be said about you.....

                          Please explain to me how modern warfare with tanks and mech inf. isn't blitzkrieg?




                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dev
                            At least I think, which is more than can be said about you.....

                            Please explain to me how modern warfare with tanks and mech inf. isn't blitzkrieg?


                            well if you have 5 movement points for a tank, you can easily bypass his first and attack a second city. the whole tactics changes and the penetration of armor is much deeper. with 2 or 3 movement points it still means attacking the closest city first, with 5 or 6 you have a strategic choice that is really very deep. it can confuse AI (it is just a piece of code) and make capitals and valuable cities much more vulnerable to your sneak attacks. given the city placement and empire size in a usual game, this provides for indecisive, non-wipeout wars in many cases, and that is good. wiping civs out really sucks.


                            • #15
                              I really don't see how a horse can go faster than a modern mechanized infantry unit.
                              Bradley M2/M3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle - 66 km/h source
                              Horse - 70 km/h source

                              There ya go

