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Diplomacy With More Than Eight Civs

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  • Diplomacy With More Than Eight Civs

    When competing against more than seven AI civs, is there a way to negotiate with the other civs that don't appear on the diplomacy circle (for lack of better term).

    I know you can double click on a rival civ unit to "take me to your leader", but when playing with fifteen other civs on a huge map the fog of intelligence gets in the way of far-away civs.

    It also makes it easier if you can just go to the diplomacy screen instead of searching your un-fogged regions of the map to find a civ to trade with.


  • #2
    shift-right click on any portrait and you'll get a list of the leaders who is not currently displayed.


    • #3
      or just go to the world map screen (main screen). click the D button in the lower right corner of screen.


      • #4
        Or shift-D to activate the same window from the main screen.


        • #5
          Okay, if I understand this correctly, when I am in the Diplomacy screen, I see 7 other civs, plus my own (Mine being at the top center...)

          If I want to see 'other' civs, I shift right click my own portrait to see 'other' civs?

          Now, If this is correct, How can I see if a civ from the first screen is trading with, or at war with, or whatever with someone on the second screen?

          Graphically, I guess, the new Civ III diplomacy screen is okay, but there is a lot of information I cannot readily see, that I would like to.
          "Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer."
          - Major Holdridge, 1994


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bandit65
            Okay, if I understand this correctly, when I am in the Diplomacy screen, I see 7 other civs, plus my own (Mine being at the top center...)

            If I want to see 'other' civs, I shift right click my own portrait to see 'other' civs?

            Now, If this is correct, How can I see if a civ from the first screen is trading with, or at war with, or whatever with someone on the second screen?

            Graphically, I guess, the new Civ III diplomacy screen is okay, but there is a lot of information I cannot readily see, that I would like to.
            Not your own. Any other AI civs. Position your mouse over any AI civ portrait, shift right click, and it will bring up a list of the 8 civs who are currently not displayed. Click on a civ, and the portrait will change to the civ you just chose.

            You can re-arrange the portraits in whatever way you want, so there is no "first screen" or "second screen".

            You cannot display more than 8 civs at once.

            I agree, the diplomatic interface leaves a lot to be desired.


            • #7

              Very helpful!

              Now it is a bit more useful


              A LOT more useful!
              "Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to kill a fly with a sledge hammer."
              - Major Holdridge, 1994

