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Unit Move Order

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  • Unit Move Order

    I'm currently playing on a huge map, conquering the world, I own about 60% now, have over 200 cities and about 600 units. My turns are starting to get really annoying. I see 3 areas that would really benefit from improvement.

    1) Group moves. It would be great to be able to move a stack of units simultaneously from one tile to another. I realize there are a few problems with this, such as when passing enemy artillery, which unit gets attacked by the free shot? But the game would be a lot mroe user friendly if you could move crews of workers around for cleaning up pollution or doing other things.

    2) Once you get railroad, you can move a unit all teh way across the map. However, this seems to take a LONG time. If you use the goto command, and pick a spot that uses 0 movement points, it still seems to take at least several seconds (sometimes as long as 10) for the unit to get to the designated spot.

    3) This is the biggie, the unit move order. It seems pretty random. I'll be moving units in a tile, and suddenly it will designate some unit on the other side of the map to be the next unit to be moved. This is really disruptive to your concentration, and makes turns take much longer than necessary. I spend a lot of time just shifting the map back to where I was to finish what I was doing. If it would just finish moving all units in a tile before moving to another place on the map that would be a HUGE help. Of course, you could always select a unit in another tile if you wanted to change the order, and if you do that it should then stay focused on the new tile until you are done there. Also, when you finish moving units in one tile it should then pick another tile on the same screen, so you can finish all your moves in one area of the map before moving to another.

  • #2
    Re: Unit Move Order

    Originally posted by gnomos
    I'm currently playing on a huge map, conquering the world, I own about 60% now, have over 200 cities and about 600 units. My turns are starting to get really annoying. I see 3 areas that would really benefit from improvement.

    1) Group moves. It would be great to be able to move a stack of units simultaneously from one tile to another. I realize there are a few problems with this, such as when passing enemy artillery, which unit gets attacked by the free shot? But the game would be a lot mroe user friendly if you could move crews of workers around for cleaning up pollution or doing other things.

    2) Once you get railroad, you can move a unit all teh way across the map. However, this seems to take a LONG time. If you use the goto command, and pick a spot that uses 0 movement points, it still seems to take at least several seconds (sometimes as long as 10) for the unit to get to the designated spot.

    3) This is the biggie, the unit move order. It seems pretty random. I'll be moving units in a tile, and suddenly it will designate some unit on the other side of the map to be the next unit to be moved. This is really disruptive to your concentration, and makes turns take much longer than necessary. I spend a lot of time just shifting the map back to where I was to finish what I was doing. If it would just finish moving all units in a tile before moving to another place on the map that would be a HUGE help. Of course, you could always select a unit in another tile if you wanted to change the order, and if you do that it should then stay focused on the new tile until you are done there. Also, when you finish moving units in one tile it should then pick another tile on the same screen, so you can finish all your moves in one area of the map before moving to another.

    man, 200 cities. you are my hero.


    • #3
      the unit move order isn't random. It seems to be based on type of unit, followed by location of unit. One thing I noticed is my transports always seem to move last.

      While I like the idea, it is poorly implemented. Transports should move first!!


      • #4
        I agree with your number three. When I'm fighting a battle, I hate to be yanked clear across the world, only to have to find my way back to continue. In my opinion, the order should be (1) finish the stack you're working with, regardless of what units they are, and (2) proceed to the next unit or stack of units in proximity.
        "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham

