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Strange coincidence.

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  • Strange coincidence.

    The screenshot kind of says it all.

    Now if Oil Springs was the Iriquois capital I could see that the oil tiles might default to this spot but since it's not, I have to assume that this is completely random. Quite strange I think.

    (Yes, I could have PSed, I couldn't be bothered perpetrating such a lame hoax.)
    Last edited by LotC; December 3, 2001, 23:45.

  • #2
    Hobbit: Red X's don't say much!

    Conscious: Smartass.

    Hobbit: Shut up conscious...


    • #3
      Hobbit: Red X's don't say much!
      Huh? It loads fine for me.


      • #4
        Copy and paste this into another browser window:

        Red Xs are because Geocities blocks links to image files, especially jpgs. Here's the workaround: Rename the file to a .txt extension, then change your URL to reflect the new name. It will display just fine.

        And, yeah, three oils next to Oil Springs... probably is a coincidence, since oil tends to be in bunches.


        • #5
          i also see a red x
          Justice for all...........


          • #6
            See my response, posted just above yours...


            • #7

              Ok I see, thats neat. I like the citys name!


              • #8
                Red Xs are because Geocities blocks links to image files, especially jpgs. Here's the workaround: Rename the file to a .txt extension, then change your URL to reflect the new name. It will display just fine.
                Is that better? It probably only worked for me because I was the only one with the image in my browser cache .Next time I'll use the free webspace my ISP gave me.


                • #9
                  looks like an interesting it on huge map? chinese empire looks rather menacing....


                  • #10
                    What are those little yellow circles above the Oil tiles ?

                    And your irrigated plains looks a lot better than mine, I get just water everywhere


                    • #11
                      looks like an interesting it on huge map? chinese empire looks rather menacing....
                      Actually the Chinese are light pink (I just crushed them in a 2 turn war). Maybe you're talking about the teal (Americans)? They're prettty powerful but I control most of the world's oil supply. (That screenshot is from earlier in the game.) Yeah, it's a huge map...damn turns take forever!

                      I started out with a whole continent to myself with an isthmus (good for acces to both seas on either side of me) with the Russians on a continent separated by one square of water from the next one. I pulverized the Russians early in the game and set up my FP in Moscow, which has hills, mountains and grassland around it (pumping out an ICBM every 5 turns from there). The Iriquois are finished now and I'm just a few turns away from what I think may be a cultural victory (1976). The Americans look like they have slightly more than half of my culture so I'm going to have to deal them a blow too. Since they, the Aztecs, the Japanese, and me all have MPP/RoP (we're all of the heavyweights) I'm going to blitz them all just before I hit 100,000 culture. Since I'm the only one with modern armour and mech infantry, they shouldn't have much of a chance, especially since I'll get to move right to the edge of their cities to launch the attack . If that doesn't go completely as planned , my stockpile of 20 ICBMs should help out

                      What are those little yellow circles above the Oil tiles ?

                      And your irrigated plains looks a lot better than mine, I get just water everywhere
                      The circles are resource identification tags (MUCH easier to find strategic resources). They were done by Innocence and can be found here:

                      The irrigation is part of Snoopys terrain patch (great improvement over the original terrain). It can be found here:

