So what is your high score after the game has ended in 2050, etc.... did anyone here manage to get a 110% after that date and conquer the world?
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Over the game's end high score
-but did you go past that time- and follow the game further- what was your highest score 10 years over the game's "end"?
-good job by the way- the best I ever did was 80% on Prince in Civ II-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
I never managed to get a game to last past 1960. I always won through culture or the space race or whatever before then. The best scores come from military victory though. My top score is conquest victory on standard map in deity diffculty somewhen around 500BC. Ended up with score of roughly 18000 (eighteen thousand). The Aztecs tend to be better on smaller maps but the war chariot is better on larger maps since the AI will generally have time to research/build pikemen before you can find/crush them.
The best hit with the hammer is somewhere around 4000-5000 points. It never gets any better than that.