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Question about gov types

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  • Question about gov types

    in civII i always used to switch to communism when that type of gov was available, as it got rid of all corruption and waste, no matter how far from the capital the cities were located. i notice that the gov types has changed considerably from civII to civIII, but from studying gov types in the manual, it seems like democracy now is the gov type that is the most similar to communism when it comes to corruption and waste.
    my problem is as follows: i have a huge nation, and my cities are spread over 6 islands (huge archipelago game). some of the newer cities have considerable problems with corruption, and the waste really slows them down. as an example one of the is size 12, has 22 in corruption, and only a few shields are produced each turn.
    as already stated, my gov type is democracy. i even have courthouses in most cities. the manual clearly states that corruption and waste is on a minimal under democracy. why is this still a problem then??
    "I always thought it would be better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody"
    The talented mr. Tom Ripley

  • #2
    Have you read any of the other threads about corruption?
    There is lots of it in civ 3 so get used to it


    • #3
      If you have a really (!) large empire and suffering lots of corruption, you could 1) move your capital (i.e. build a Palance improvement in another city) or 2) change to Communism. Communism creates the same amout of corruption in ALL cities. Good if your large cities are really spread out.

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