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The "things I like about Civ III" thread

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  • The "things I like about Civ III" thread

    I just finished my first game and in spite of all the negativity around, I enjoyed it. So let's start a list people can add on to. The things I like about Civ III are:

    1. The smarter AI

    2. Capturing units

    3. Unit stacks aren't killed by one loss

    4. Armies

    5. Slave workers (muwahahahaha!)

    6....(add your own)

    Could all those who have negative comments please not spam this thread. Thanks.
    Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

    Look, I just don't anymore, okay?

  • #2
    6. Culture
    7. Revised Airpower scheme


    • #3
      6. Resources! (#1)

      7. Diplomacy

      8. Culture

      9. Air unit missions

      (This is in addition to some of the items you listed above. I have many other reasons but I presume you're looking for the BIG reasons.)


      • #4
        10. Borders.


        • #5


          • #6
            Whatever it is that just kept me playing for 6 and a half HOURS Non-stop

            Unique civs
            Easy modding
            "Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"


            • #7
              Maps. (The random maps are much better in this game).

              Huge maps.

              Unit promotions.


              • #8
                Tons of chances to whine and moan.
                *grumbles about work*


                • #9
                  - Trade
                  - relience on Strategic resources
                  - tougher opponents (better war)
                  - Civ specific traits
                  - Cool looking units
                  - Culture, Culture, CULTURE!!!!!
                  - Joan d'Arc (oh baby)


                  • #10
                    more ways of winning


                    • #11
                      Things I like:

                      1) Very agressive AI.

                      2) Stategic Resources (The placement of them could be a little bit more fair around the map but it's OK). I like having to bargain or fight for one particular resource or another. More alternative units would balance it out a little bit more but the more I play the more I like it (even though I have played MANY games where I had no iron or saltpeter in my area and it severely limited my ability to wage war early)

                      3) Leaders. I like the ability to rush a major project or create an stronger army. I wish I could edit the probility of leaders apearing but I am happy with the ones I get.

                      4) Unit movement over railroads. I like how the units just jump from point A to B over a railroad vs watching them move all along it. This is a big improvent over CTP's maglev movement.

                      5) Air 'movement'. This is SO much nicer than the older fuel method. It speeds up play and is easier to use.

                      6) More flexible trading. I like being able to trade almost anything in the game. I do think the other leader being traded with would get more pissy after several trade attempts. The way it is now I can sit there and try every cheap trade I can think of and gradually add more to get the agreement. They should be more insulted by bad deals.

                      7) Lots of ways to win. Unlike many whiners posting here I do not start a empire building strategy game thinking "I will win this way and this way only and if the game does not give me a direct and easy path to that victory then it's obviously broke!". I take what win I can get based on the events of the game including resource placement. I will admit that they do need to tweak the corruption to make world conquest a bit easier. On large maps with several civs you can't take over all the cities but if you raze them its only a matter of a few turns before every other AI is trying to put cities in that place. On a side note, why do other civs get all mad when I nuke a city or two yet think nothing of me completely destroying a city and killing all of its citizens? There should be more of a penalty for completely killing off an entire city =]

                      8) No automatic victory wonders! I have played several games now and haven't found that super MUST get wonder that leads to an assured victory. In almost every other civ game I have played there was at least one end-all wonder.

                      9) Mostly bug free! Yes I said BUG FREE. I own and have been playing computer games since I had a commodore 64 and this is probably one of the most crash free games prior to patches I have ever bought. Sure there are a few bugs and quite a few design/balance issues but those don't crash the game on me unlike CTP2 did. Perhaps I should rephrase. Mostly CRASH free!

                      I have many complaints about some of the way things were done in Civ3 but overall I am quite happy with the game and continue to play it. I hope I was not being too negative for this thread. I think it's a good idea to focus on the many things that were done right.

