to me i think civ3 forgot some of the fundamentals
i completely understand the logic of getting rid of caravans, they wanted to simply the trade menu, it all goes back to Sid's rule of complexity doesn't mean depth...however being able to trade units, or station your units in enemy cities, or being able to ask two warring factions are not cumbersome things that add complexity without adding depth, it was decisions like those that makes me question some of the choices they made for civ3
about EU being pretty good, to begin so was Civ2
i have also heard that EU2 is only a challenge if you play as the weakest minor powers in the game
and right now i am kinda playing devils advocate with you...but in all seriousness, while i do find that civ3 is tedius (and certainly not just from moving units around, it is more of a shortage of interesting choices to make)
i know you said that u liked SE4, but don't you find it terribly tedius? that is why i stopped playing it, too much of the samething without any added spice...its like eating bread and water all throughout the game, to me i find more enjoyment in designing the units than in churning them out with nothing to do with them except attack
i completely understand the logic of getting rid of caravans, they wanted to simply the trade menu, it all goes back to Sid's rule of complexity doesn't mean depth...however being able to trade units, or station your units in enemy cities, or being able to ask two warring factions are not cumbersome things that add complexity without adding depth, it was decisions like those that makes me question some of the choices they made for civ3
about EU being pretty good, to begin so was Civ2
i have also heard that EU2 is only a challenge if you play as the weakest minor powers in the game
and right now i am kinda playing devils advocate with you...but in all seriousness, while i do find that civ3 is tedius (and certainly not just from moving units around, it is more of a shortage of interesting choices to make)
i know you said that u liked SE4, but don't you find it terribly tedius? that is why i stopped playing it, too much of the samething without any added spice...its like eating bread and water all throughout the game, to me i find more enjoyment in designing the units than in churning them out with nothing to do with them except attack