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has anyone already complained about this?!

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  • has anyone already complained about this?!

    I have a weird problem that hopefully(for my sake) is not unique to me and, therefore may be addressed in the patch...

    I have owned CivIII since the first week it came out. Have played it to completion AT LEAST seven times. It's run very smoothly for me and I enjoy it a lot.

    I was playing it on my system with these specs.

    Pentium III 933mhz
    Windows 98 SE (and this may be the important part...)

    Well, I decided to buy the 99$ upgrade to WinXP. It has been terrific. Everything is pretty awesome on it EXCEPT CivIII! I just discovered this because I haven't played it in three or four days...

    Every move you make there's a two or three second lag delay. Tell a settler to move along a road and the first of the three moves L A G S and then he moves the last two fine. Skip to a spearman or worker and tell him what to do. L A G for a couple seconds and the he does whatever. Decide to zoom to city to change production...SAME THING!

    So I minimize the game to check resource usage and catch the PC at 94 % usage. For just a second. And then it drops back to a much more typical 6%...

    I cant find my box. Is WinXP supported? Has anyone else had a similar problem? The game is unplayable in this state. I'm not going back to 98SE for any game either. Im not much of a techie...HEEELP! It did NOT use to do this on 98SE!

  • #2
    [...peeking in...]

    Hello? Did you mean to post this question in one of the fifty threads dealing with the topic? That bus left about ten days ago.

    [...closing door...]
    "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


    • #3
      Huh? I know you're being sarcastic but c'mon... I need help here. I only read the general forum and I haven't need ed any help with the game from a tech support standpoint...until now...

      This is an existing problem...? Where can I read more about it?


      • #4
        I think its rude to tell people that they should use the search function. Nevertheless Archmage, you might want to do that.

        BTW, have you ever driven a Mirak drone frigate. I seem to remember an Archmage and Khan.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Archmage
          Huh? I know you're being sarcastic but c'mon... I need help here. I only read the general forum and I haven't need ed any help with the game from a tech support standpoint...until now...

          This is an existing problem...? Where can I read more about it?
          Gah. That's like a hungry man in a deli asking where he can get something to eat. Go to the Help forum and look near the top.
          "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham

