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additional possible civ traits

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  • additional possible civ traits

    Authoritarian/Obedient - Cheaper courthouses and police stations. Reduced corruption. Less unhappiness from forced labor. War weariness is reduced.

    Fecund (couldn't come up with a non-pejorative sounding word. "Breeder" doesn't sound good either) - cheaper granaries. Possibly cheaper workers, settlers, harbors, aqueducts, and/or hospitals. Cities (pop 6-12) generate extra food on city square. Metropolises (pop 13+) generate even more extra food on city square). Workers possibly irrigate faster (but no other terrain improvements are faster).

    Pacifist/Green/Tree Hugger - non-military production is cheaper (but not 50% cheaper, of course). population produces less pollution. Cultural improvements are cheaper? Extra resources from jungle and tundra tiles? Sort of struggling on this one...

    Also, I had the random idea that military victories could add culture to a militaristic civ (and defeats reduce culture?). Just a random though that didn't fit anywhere else.

  • #2
    I say we fix the game first, add things later
    Im sorry Mr Civ Franchise, Civ3 was DOA

