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Hoover Dam & Cummulative Wonder Powers

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  • Hoover Dam & Cummulative Wonder Powers

    Does the Hoover's Dam "Hydro Plant" effect to each city count in addition to the current plant there or not? So if I had a city with a Nuclear Plant would it get the Nuclear Plant benefit + Hoover Dam's "hydro plant"?

    I remember someone earlier saying that the Great Lighthouse + Magellian's Voyage were not cummulative with their +1 speed to ships... which is disappointing. Does the same hold true for Hoover's Dam?

  • #2

    The same goes for Copernicus' Observatory, SETI Program, & Newton's University. If put all in 1 city would a base of 40 research double to 80 then 160 then 320??? Or does it only double the base 40 always? Thus 40+40+40+40 = 160. Or is no added effect allowed like Magellan's Voyage & Great Lighthouse... so if 3 were built in 1 city you would only get +40 once.

    ... does anyone know?


    • #3
      We'll have to just find out... I'll see if I can try it.
      "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


      • #4
        I just recently built Newton's University so I can compare before and after, check out the results:

        City Size: 12 (Capital)
        Tax Rate: (5.5.0)
        - Marketplace (Tax 50%)
        - Bank (Tax 50%)
        - Library (Science 50%)
        - University (Science 50%)
        - Colossus (add 1 trade to all squares)
        - Copernicus's Observatory (Science x2)
        - Newton's University (Science x2)

        Here are the city's stats (in the following format: Trade, Tax-Science-Luxuries-Corruption):
        Before Newton's: 48, 46-72-0-1
        After Newton's: 48, 46-96-0-1

        Based on these totals I would have to say that all bonuses are on the base. It also appears that corruption affects only tax. Consider the following: Base tax is 23 with corruption of 1 and base science is 24. Tax bonuses total 100% (50% + 50%) thereby doubling the total to 46. Science bonuses equal 300% (50% + 50% + 100% + 100%) thereby quadrupling the base to 96.


        • #5
          NO it is not cumulative, at least with coal plants. I built Hoover and spent 30 minutes constantly taking out coal plants etc. and rebuilding them etc. to test it.

          However, I do not know if solar or nuclear plants are ***. I think Nuclear plants actually DO NOT say that they REPLACE whatever is there. By the way "replace" is a slippery term since the old plant remains (which you can sell).

          BTW, Hoover will provide hydro power to ALL cities regardless of whether they are near water (as long as they are on the same continent). This is the only way to get hydro power to cities without river access. IMHO, it is by far the best wonder.

