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  • Corruption

    I came here to view comments on the corruption issue in CIV 3, and was quite surprised to find some people think high corruption makes the game harder. as some have said, it actually makes it easier and unrealistic. It WOULD make hawaii a weird state

    Somebody mentioned small can also be corrupt. I think most people should realise corruption is a function of freedom and time.

    While there will always be a criminal element using corruption for enrichment, the great majority of corruption, the most frustrating sort comes from red tape and every level of government official increasing their income through bribes and extortion. Add to that ordinary businessmen hiding their income from their gvt, and presto, you have a problem. Human nature leads us to seek enrichment. When we live under a restrictive government, we all look for ways to do things behind its back.

    Additionally, time plays a role. While the US was a democracy in 1870, it was nowhere near as free of corruption as it is today. Therefore, as democracy develops laws and practices, it becomes more efficient. The same applies to a lesser extent to other forms of government.

    I personally think dthat distance and number should exert minimal influence, and should be affected by the development of travel and communication.

    My solution to the corruption thing would be time factored. Every form of gvt. would have a maximum rating.

    Say Republic would have a max corruption of 20%. (at peak efficiency, 2 shields wasted for 10 produced) But each new city would start slightly above monarchy, and for every year of republic, build up towards the mark. When you have a revolution to monarchy, corruption soars back up. When u revolt up to democracy, you have a small increase which develops with time to the max level. of course, reaching the max would be subject to certain improvements being available such as courthouses or air transport.

    I think this would easily and realistically reflect the real world and avoid "raze the whole world" games.