This has probably already been discovered since it's a pretty obvious bug. Anyways I just want to get it out there to make sure, and hope there's a fix for it in the next patch. Basically all you need to do is build a city up to within 1 turn of expanding. Build a worker, preferably in a city which can produce them quick, my city now builds one every 2 turns. The city expands, and one turn later I have a worker. If the city was at 6, and expanded to 7, it goes back to 6, but with a full stockpile of food, and will grow again one turn later. So basically i'm pumping out a worker every 2 turns without any population loss. Not sure if granary is required for this, my city had one.
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Worker Building Bug
I found that out also, only my pop 6 town was kicking out a worker every turn.
Food box was always full (grow in 1), grainary present, 10 shields per turn (capitol, no corruption). each turn, I did have to go into the town and move 1 "face" from coast back to forest to maintain the 10 shields.
I don't know If I would call bug. Maybe just excellent city growth management.
oh it's definately a bug, and a very powerful one. Suppose I were to make that city a worker building city throughout for lots of turns. Not only would my area be swamped with workers that I didn't really pay for, now all my lower cities can be quickly upgraded into thriving metropolis's by having the workers join the city. Probably the most powerful bug out there right now.
Maybe I am wrong here, but usually the "" indicates sarcasm.
I agree, it's bug. I produced 30+ workers when I got steam engine so I could railroad every tile in record time, and when done, turnned many a settlement into the next level. Got to sell off a bunch of city walls to boot. Those left over are on permanent foresting harvesting/planting duty. (yawn)
Sorry butis a wink, and does not indicate sarcasm. Instead it is used to signal to the other person that you are available, interested and more than willing. Usually these encounters happen at a run down motel 6, after a late night Civ 3 session. I simply ignored it because i'm in a committed relationship, and am not down for that kind of stuff.
Seriously tho, with this bug even deity should be a cinch i'd imagine. Hope they get it fixed soon, it's pretty tempting....