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is this insult really from Firaxis?

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  • is this insult really from Firaxis?

    The following has been attributed to Firaxis:

    "My final and most radical point is that the online gaming community, which most frequently identifies and evangelizes bugs, have strong interests in games not being 100 percent bug free. Let's say a title avoided major hardware conflicts and is produced by a company with the fiscal resources of Midas. The offering is highly anticipated and has a roll out of a quarter of a million units and 20 active fan sites eagerly digesting every bit of news. In this situation, the final product is actually an ending, and those who spent the last year or two following it are faced with saying goodbye to the friends they've made online and moving on to another title."

    I find it hard to believe. Can someone confirm this for me.

  • #2
    Sounds astute to me.



    • #3
      There has already been a thread on this, and it has been dealth with in many other threads. Get the padlock out Markos


      • #4
        First... this site is proof that such a statement is totally incorrect.
        Even with a "finished" game, the amount of discussion on strategy, creation, story telling, mods... The delivery of a finished game is really just the beginning

        Second... yeah, this thread has been done before...

        So Case Closed
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

