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  • Multiplayer?

    Anyone know if firaxis has any plans to make a online multiplayer expansion pack for civ3?
    i think therefore i am, i guess that means you dont exist

  • #2
    I've heard that there will be multiplayer by Spring 2002.


    • #3
      cool, its always more fun to beat on people than ai
      i think therefore i am, i guess that means you dont exist


      • #4
        Multiplayer makes no sense

        Why would anyone want to play Civ III in multiplayer. The games take upwards of 30 hours as is. It only makes sense if you can play on a dedicated network, not over the internet. Then you can save the game on the server and can play when original players are available. How could you coordinate 8 players for 30 hours of play over the internet? The original CivNet was just such a game. I played it several times on the company network with 4 human players and 3 computer controlled players. We played for about several times a week after work but never completed a single game because one human player was usually eliminated early in the game and so we would declare the most obvious winner and start a new game. After several weeks, it got so tedious that we gave up. Civ as a multiplayer game is a real drag, based on my experience.

        I think the better way to go is the tournament route, were everyone gets the same starting positition and plays X number of turns and the winner is the one with the highest score. Then everyone can play at their leisure and is not dependent on getting the same group together over an extended period.


        • #5
          Tony if you have never played Civ 2 multiplayer then you are missing out on one of the greatest gaming experiences you can have!


          • #6
            Re: Multiplayer makes no sense

            Originally posted by tonyhaug
            Why would anyone want to play Civ III in multiplayer
            I'm sure all of us who are addicted to Civ II MP would just LOVE to play Civ III MP if they can work all the bugs out of it.

            Even with a smarter AI than there was for Civ II, nothing beats playing another smart player. It's a whole different game, and well worth the scheduling problems
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #7
              After several weeks, it got so tedious that we gave up.

              So your friends gave less challenge than the AI?
              I do not want to achieve immortality threw my work. I want to achieve it threw not dying - Woody Allen


              • #8
                Nothing makes me feel better than kick some one's @ss after they demand that the game was setup in deity, 7 civs, raging hordes because they are so good.

                I miss those days.
                I do not want to achieve immortality threw my work. I want to achieve it threw not dying - Woody Allen


                • #9
                  Hmm I'd demand the game to be on cheiftan and no barbarians. I am elite


                  • #10
                    the difference between playing with the AI and playing with humans is............diplomacy !!!!

                    "Remove your tanks from your borders near Paris or I'll declare war" will be understood by humans.

                    The resource system will make much more sence !

                    it doesn't matter how smart the AI is.
                    it can only calculate the current situation. Humans feel it and understand it ! Aliances really make sence in mp games !

                    It would be so great to monopolize the oil market and raise the prizes. The Ai will simply refuse, with humans you can REALLY talk about it.

                    dang, I shouldn't think too much about it....
                    I'll be maried when it'll be released, and I 'm afraid I won't be able to play during the night......... (and I lack time during the day )
                    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by CyberShy
                      I'll be maried when it'll be released
                      The ammount I am playing Civ3 I'll probably be divorced
                      There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots.


                      • #12
                        People who say civ MP isn't fun need a reality check. No matter how good the AI is humans will always be better because we can truly understand the big picture and plot accordingly. As for being worried about the game taking to long, well, just use a time limit! It works quite well if you just pre-order your units during the other players turns and then you can finish your turn in less then 20 seconds. You can even negotiate with the other players when it isn't your turn.
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • #13
                          Re: Multiplayer makes no sense

                          Originally posted by tonyhaug
                          How could you coordinate 8 players for 30 hours of play over the internet?
                          They've got this wonderful new fangled invention now, they call it electronic mail or e-mail for short...


                          • #14
                            Re: Multiplayer makes no sense

                            Originally posted by tonyhaug
                            Why would anyone want to play Civ III in multiplayer.
                            To echoe what Ming said, there is a large global community of civ players. I used to play civ II almost every night of the week with people from all over Australia and overseas.

                            Its true that it can be a slow process but its a very social and enjoyable activity. I look at it like a bridge club. We play, we chat.

                            I'm having fun with Civ III in SP mode but even though the AI is improved, its still way, way below the standard of even average human players. Also I find it rather boring playing against an AI. I miss the social interaction of MP.

                            So roll on Civ III MP Gold
                            Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                            Look, I just don't anymore, okay?

