Even though I like Civ 3 a lot and spend way too much of my free time on it, there are some issues that should probably be addressed (in a patch). I think if a patch is made, the issue of civs on the foreign minister screen should be highly suspect-
The Foreign Ministry:
1. Doesn't give note of all Civs
2. Doesn't tell you updates of technology...
3. Doesn't tell you current gold trades
These present major problems
If you had an embassy in Civ II, you could fall behind in technology and know you fell behind, but in Civ 3, there is a demand that you are vigilant, as it is tougher to acquire other civilizations technology-and it is also tougher to know what the civs are researching-something should be put in the Esponage Missions or something, as this presents a major problem, for me anyway...
Excuse me? Warrior vs. F-15? OVERKILL...Automatically kill the warrior...not just injury...
I don't think such units should be able to survive attacks, let alone sometimes suffer only partial damage...
On the foreign minister screen, it is impossible to tell what nations your allied with outside of that screen without contacting them. Often I'd sign an alliance, forget it, look to the screen if I'm allied, only to break this alliance...
If this can't be addressed, how about replacing destroyed nations with excess nations? What's the sense in the wasted space?
Worker trading doesn't work...usually. It is rare that captured workers are mentioned in negotiations (or availible)...
You shouldn't be able to make settlers with foreign nationals-they come out as barbarian settlers. I haven't build a city with these, but an easy way to get rid of a foreign population is building settlers and then rebuilding the city with these...Workers made should be FOREIGN workers, not barbarian/glitch workers, but I think it should be possible...
Enemy civs don't like to keep peace treaties, and don't seem to punish themselves for breaking them, even at low levels. (AKA, if a civ burns down one of your cities, you should be able to do the same to them without consequence...)
"Mercenaries"-Throughout history, civs have fought other civs battles-more than alliances. For a price and an agreement, a civ can give another civ an ability to build unique weapons, but limiting the amount build and where-Like the Americans pay the Persians 100 gold for the ability to build two "Immortal Mercenaries". Germany pays America x gold per unit to get to build F-15s to use against the Russians.
Units should be required to have some sort of access to the resource required to build them. Lets say your town is blocked on all sides, and you have a Musketman in it. How does that Musketman still repair if in theory it should have only limited saltpeter? Or you just do battle with a horseman-it is weakened in strength-lets presume that this horseman is actually many individual horsemen into a substancial army unit-in battle, some horses die. By fortifying it away from supplies of horses, how can the dead horses be replaced?
I think Wines + Gems for an Incense is more than equitable for the AI-2 happy for the price of one, and the AI has extras of that one-but the AI often disagrees...
Do Expansionist civilizations have any benifits whatsoever after the Ancient Age? This makes certain civs at a disadvantage in other ages...Americans get too powerful in the Ancient times, which isn't historical, only to lag for the rest of the game...It should be the empires like Rome, Babylon, Persia, etc. that are expansionist as they would get an early advantage, as they probably should, rather than America and England getting early advantages. I know, this could be addressed without a patch...
How about when tribes want to renegotiate peace and it is unacceptable to you, you go immediately to the bargaining table rather than cancelling all deals? I found out my reputation got tarnished breaking a few deals accidentally...
What's the point of Swordsmen in the Modern Age again? There is a lack of cheap infantry in the modern age-these are cheap, but way way way too weak. And frankly, there should be an alternative to drafting. Swordsmen isn't a good alternative...
How can you be allied with a country without a right of passage? IE: How can either fight through the territory?
I don't think it is right that nations who are friendly though untrustworthy simply attack you as an alliance-I think there should be negotiation before this happens, so nations can sell out to the highest bidder (IE: We're thinking of allying with your nation against you because they are offering us X and Y. If you offer Z and A, we will remain neutral, or if you void the B or C agreement, then we will remain neutral).
If both sides mutually want to bury an agreement before 20 turns is up, they should be allowed to do so, with both parties consent.
Depopulation of cities should be possible-not burning the cities, but killing the citizens once you take the city (Who needs 18 Persians if you are Babylonian? If its secure, there should be an option of depopulating aside from annoying starvation to a certain number to make control easier...)
Negotiations with more than one party, IE:
We want A to make peace with B so we can have a secure and undivided front against C...Almost like both sides are bribed by the outsider to stop fighting...
REVEAL MAP? Impossible at present.
Neutrality pacts-If A has a Mut. Def. Pact with B, and C attacks B, A wishes to remain neutral, the Mutual Defense pact should read simply which nations it applies to and which it doesn't. Too easy? Let AI be demanding with this too, like "You don't want to attack C? Give us X or Y then for this treaty."
External Alliance Security Pact: Signed to prevent nations from attacking other nations/cities.
If I were the Japanese, and I just gave my maps to the Chinese, I'd be pretty annoyed if they sold my maps to the Zulu without my permission...some sort of treaty, anyone?
Same with technology. Who says I want my research sold to another nation? How about somehow securing it without selling it to everyone else first?
How can you continue to build, lets say Pikemen, if your iron resources were taken away? Game should force this shut.
A cheap way to save up for a wonder is to build a palace in preparation...this should definately be addressed as to preventing Palace-to-wonder switching, as I often do this.
Palace Edit: Lets say you build a part of the Palace you want changed? Rather than upgrade on a turn, how about rebuilding a section? I might have overlooked this, it might be there...
Individual improvement pillage: Lets say I want to capture a city and starve it out, but when I get it, I want the roads intact...how about an option just to destroy individual improvements?
Each city stores X amount of gold, replenished after every turn. If X gold is gone, barbarians hold city until they can do something-That way, a 1 city on the other side of the world doesn't lose 4000 gold when there is a massive barbarian uprising that I'm not prepared for...Turn the city into another camp for X turns or something...
I can't think of anymore problems right now. Back to playing.
By the way, I can't think of too many arguements or counter arguements for this, so excuse the textbook/boring format...PLEASE...and these aren't really questions, so...
The Foreign Ministry:
1. Doesn't give note of all Civs
2. Doesn't tell you updates of technology...
3. Doesn't tell you current gold trades
These present major problems
If you had an embassy in Civ II, you could fall behind in technology and know you fell behind, but in Civ 3, there is a demand that you are vigilant, as it is tougher to acquire other civilizations technology-and it is also tougher to know what the civs are researching-something should be put in the Esponage Missions or something, as this presents a major problem, for me anyway...
Excuse me? Warrior vs. F-15? OVERKILL...Automatically kill the warrior...not just injury...
I don't think such units should be able to survive attacks, let alone sometimes suffer only partial damage...
On the foreign minister screen, it is impossible to tell what nations your allied with outside of that screen without contacting them. Often I'd sign an alliance, forget it, look to the screen if I'm allied, only to break this alliance...
If this can't be addressed, how about replacing destroyed nations with excess nations? What's the sense in the wasted space?
Worker trading doesn't work...usually. It is rare that captured workers are mentioned in negotiations (or availible)...
You shouldn't be able to make settlers with foreign nationals-they come out as barbarian settlers. I haven't build a city with these, but an easy way to get rid of a foreign population is building settlers and then rebuilding the city with these...Workers made should be FOREIGN workers, not barbarian/glitch workers, but I think it should be possible...
Enemy civs don't like to keep peace treaties, and don't seem to punish themselves for breaking them, even at low levels. (AKA, if a civ burns down one of your cities, you should be able to do the same to them without consequence...)
"Mercenaries"-Throughout history, civs have fought other civs battles-more than alliances. For a price and an agreement, a civ can give another civ an ability to build unique weapons, but limiting the amount build and where-Like the Americans pay the Persians 100 gold for the ability to build two "Immortal Mercenaries". Germany pays America x gold per unit to get to build F-15s to use against the Russians.
Units should be required to have some sort of access to the resource required to build them. Lets say your town is blocked on all sides, and you have a Musketman in it. How does that Musketman still repair if in theory it should have only limited saltpeter? Or you just do battle with a horseman-it is weakened in strength-lets presume that this horseman is actually many individual horsemen into a substancial army unit-in battle, some horses die. By fortifying it away from supplies of horses, how can the dead horses be replaced?
I think Wines + Gems for an Incense is more than equitable for the AI-2 happy for the price of one, and the AI has extras of that one-but the AI often disagrees...
Do Expansionist civilizations have any benifits whatsoever after the Ancient Age? This makes certain civs at a disadvantage in other ages...Americans get too powerful in the Ancient times, which isn't historical, only to lag for the rest of the game...It should be the empires like Rome, Babylon, Persia, etc. that are expansionist as they would get an early advantage, as they probably should, rather than America and England getting early advantages. I know, this could be addressed without a patch...
How about when tribes want to renegotiate peace and it is unacceptable to you, you go immediately to the bargaining table rather than cancelling all deals? I found out my reputation got tarnished breaking a few deals accidentally...
What's the point of Swordsmen in the Modern Age again? There is a lack of cheap infantry in the modern age-these are cheap, but way way way too weak. And frankly, there should be an alternative to drafting. Swordsmen isn't a good alternative...
How can you be allied with a country without a right of passage? IE: How can either fight through the territory?
I don't think it is right that nations who are friendly though untrustworthy simply attack you as an alliance-I think there should be negotiation before this happens, so nations can sell out to the highest bidder (IE: We're thinking of allying with your nation against you because they are offering us X and Y. If you offer Z and A, we will remain neutral, or if you void the B or C agreement, then we will remain neutral).
If both sides mutually want to bury an agreement before 20 turns is up, they should be allowed to do so, with both parties consent.
Depopulation of cities should be possible-not burning the cities, but killing the citizens once you take the city (Who needs 18 Persians if you are Babylonian? If its secure, there should be an option of depopulating aside from annoying starvation to a certain number to make control easier...)
Negotiations with more than one party, IE:
We want A to make peace with B so we can have a secure and undivided front against C...Almost like both sides are bribed by the outsider to stop fighting...
REVEAL MAP? Impossible at present.
Neutrality pacts-If A has a Mut. Def. Pact with B, and C attacks B, A wishes to remain neutral, the Mutual Defense pact should read simply which nations it applies to and which it doesn't. Too easy? Let AI be demanding with this too, like "You don't want to attack C? Give us X or Y then for this treaty."
External Alliance Security Pact: Signed to prevent nations from attacking other nations/cities.
If I were the Japanese, and I just gave my maps to the Chinese, I'd be pretty annoyed if they sold my maps to the Zulu without my permission...some sort of treaty, anyone?
Same with technology. Who says I want my research sold to another nation? How about somehow securing it without selling it to everyone else first?
How can you continue to build, lets say Pikemen, if your iron resources were taken away? Game should force this shut.
A cheap way to save up for a wonder is to build a palace in preparation...this should definately be addressed as to preventing Palace-to-wonder switching, as I often do this.
Palace Edit: Lets say you build a part of the Palace you want changed? Rather than upgrade on a turn, how about rebuilding a section? I might have overlooked this, it might be there...
Individual improvement pillage: Lets say I want to capture a city and starve it out, but when I get it, I want the roads intact...how about an option just to destroy individual improvements?
Each city stores X amount of gold, replenished after every turn. If X gold is gone, barbarians hold city until they can do something-That way, a 1 city on the other side of the world doesn't lose 4000 gold when there is a massive barbarian uprising that I'm not prepared for...Turn the city into another camp for X turns or something...
I can't think of anymore problems right now. Back to playing.
By the way, I can't think of too many arguements or counter arguements for this, so excuse the textbook/boring format...PLEASE...and these aren't really questions, so...