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you know you've played too much civ3 when...

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  • #46
    When you are sure that if you get your ten friends involved, that new tree will be full grown by tommorrow

    When you see a poster of Mao, you wonder how they made it to the modern age because after all, you did raze their capitol
    If you don't like reality, change it! me
    "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
    "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
    "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


    • #47
      ... when your dreams consist of running away from artillery bombardment


      • #48
        When you call the Pentagon and claim they are deceiving and mis-directing the public because: 1. Cruise Missiles can't be fired by ships AND 2. Our Bombers in Afghanistan are only wounding not killing anybody.

        And then inform them that the best way to deal with the situation would be to raze all the cities to the ground, send in a few settlers, and build lots of temples and cathedrals to culturally assimulate everyone in the area...


        • #49
          (This one is scary because it's actually true!)

          When your girlfriend starts refering to your computer as your square-headed other girlfirend!


          • #50
            You start shopping for Fur and Ivory for your girlfirend for Christmas insisting that it HAS to make her happy!

            (...despite the fact that she's and environmentalist)


            At your weekly group meeting at work you put forth a memo claiming that burning incense in the office-place will make everyone happier!


            When your boss asks you how long it should take to complete your project you claim 30 turns unless we rush build sacrificing Bob and Steve (worthless -- no value added employees) in which case he could have it tomorrow. (Note that Despotism is the official gov't at my office!)


            You feel technologically accomplished being an Engineer since Engineering is pretty high up the tech tree but feel vastly inferior to your girlfriend who has a BS in Genetics...


            • #51
              All right, here goes:

              * You set your work rate to 10%, because you'll finish it in 32 turns anyway.
              * You take 1000$ to Wall Street and ask for your 50$ interest.
              * You place an aqueduct in your garden so your kids can turn 7.
              * You get sick and run around the house to find the remaining jungle.
              * You watch CNN everyday fearing the Taliban will beat a tank with their warriors.
              * You wonder how Bush got the patch that enables precision bombardment before us.
              * You sneak into your neighbour's tree hut to find goodies.
              * You get no goodies from the above hut but you disturb 3 angry neighbours who attack you.
              * You think about shaving off all your hair after seeing Joan in modern times.
              * You want to ask someone to leave your room, but are afraid he'll declare war.
              * When you ask something to someone, you constantly have a little voice in your head that says 'They'll probably be insulted'
              * You think you'll get a university course for free because you're 'scientific'.
              * You offer people money just to get things done faster all the time.
              * And of course you're not afraid to use the whip.
              * You see fireworks on New Year and enjoy the fact that next year there won't be as much corruption.
              * You've tried to Ctrl-U your CivII CD-ROM into a CivIII one.
              * You hope we'll live long enough to enter another age, because then all buildings mysteriously mutate.
              * You loan your walkman to your sister but only after making clear that the deal can be ended peacefully after 20 days.
              * You do your homework and the next day you sell it to all your classmates because then you can rushbuild your new PC.
              * You negotiate a passage agreement with your neighbour and then let your kids run up and down his yard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
              * Your neighbour is forced to watch all their movement before he can do his own work.
              * You ask your neighbour to surrender because 'your troops approach his door'.
              * When he refuses you say 'you've overextended yourself' and negotiate peace.
              * Then you make him pay 100$ because your advisor says it's acceptable.
              * You cut all trees in your garden because it will speed up the car you're fixing in your garage.
              * At work you ask your project 'leader' to sacrifice himself to rushbuild a wonder.
              * On the next family reunion you suggest to hold elections for Secretary-General.
              * You refuse to do anything 'because you've already moved' today.
              * You destroy the road in front of your neighbour's house to cut him off from the trade network.
              * You think life should be turn-based.
              * When your boss is 'furious' you offer him, say 50 gold and expect him to lighten up.
              * You think judgement day will be in 2050.

              The moment we discover intelligence and consciousness, mankind becomes God...
              The moment we discover intelligence and consciousness, mankind becomes obsolete...


              • #52
                funny list stratall!


                • #53
                  You know you are playing too much CivIII when:

                  * Your wife mentions Sid Meyer by name During a marriage Counseling session.
                  * You mention Joan of Arc by name during sex.
                  * Your two year old daughter calls your PC the "little people computer".
                  * You are talking politics with friends at work and you use the term "MPP".
                  * You see a riot on TV and you worry about a nuclear meltdown.
                  * You think we should suspend airstrikes against Afghanastan until the patch comes out.

                  -There's mine.



                  • #54
                    When you wake up in a cold sweat just having realized, theres no oil in your land!

                    When you insist in calling elephants 'ivory'

                    When you decide to mine a field cause there's a cow there

                    When during a pirate movie, you call it unrealistic cause the pirates were able to sink a ship
                    If you don't like reality, change it! me
                    "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                    "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                    "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                    • #55
                      You know you've played to much civ3 when...

                      You move to an area around a river so you dont have to build a aquaduct to have 7 kids.

                      Your new nieghbor comes over to greet you and you ask him to trade $45 for engineering (so you dont have to drive around the river) when he gets confused you demand he leave imediatly, when he dosen't suddenly apear on his lawn you declare war.

                      You start trying to throw your son through your neighbors window so you can "spy on him during wartime"

                      You burn down your niegbors shed and are surprised when a new worker dosen't suddenly apear.

                      You throw your son into your nieghbors door, when it dosent open you throw your other son into the door, when it opens you proclaim that he is now Veteran.

                      You enslave your nieghbor and his family and leave a bunch of Rotwilers in his house to "Quell the stinking resistance"

                      You start hearing voices whenever you go on dates saying "They will probably be insulted by this deal"

                      You burn down the nearby University so it cant "assimulate you through culture"

                      "Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"


                      • #56
                        *Whenever your at a rifle range, you think damn, I forgot my saltpeter.

                        *When you're trying to send a message to the president, that he should discover Interigated Defence before the Russians, so he can trade them it for communications with the French.

                        *When someone tells you that they are unhappy, you tell them to aquire some incense or build JS Bach's Cathederal to make them content.

                        *When someone says that the there is too much pollution on earth, you ask them if they've tried SHIFT+C.

                        *When you need to know what time it is, you ask someone what turn it is.


                        • #57
                          ... when your alarm clock/significant other/parent wakes you up in the morning and you say "I'll sleep just one more turn..."


                          • #58
                            ... when you keep whining about not getting any palace improvement whenever anyone makes a positive comment on you.


                            • #59
                              Well you know that you play to many strategy games when you recall the last x amount of "You know youve played too much XXXXXX" in the last few months.
                              "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" Irv Kupcinet

                              "It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas." Unknown


                              • #60
                                You know you've played too much CivIII when...

                                You stop playing your current game, and you notice the patch is FINALLY out.

