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Weird worker

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  • Weird worker

    Look at the nationality of the worker in the attached screenshot.
    An alien visitor?
    Attached Files

  • #2

    Ive had that happen a few times also. What I have found cleans it up was simply going to the next turn as it then refreshes the screen.



    • #3
      Re: Weird worker

      Originally posted by sprudl
      An alien visitor?
      ET dig home!



      • #4
        Alien race, I though they mentioned there were no aliens in the game

        Just a side note to the pic:

        Maybe they should move the "golden age" text. It looks kinda strange to be almost out of the borders
        This space is empty... or is it?


        • #5
          Talking of worker weirdness - I once had a Mech Infantry unit fortified in a city that killed every worker that walked by.

          I'm afraid to start a thread about it in case people start calling me a delusional madman - but it definitely happened


          • #6
            It happends to me whenever I build a worker/settler in a city just captured that is not converted to my nation.


            • #7
              I think its stranger that the zulu workers are white.
              Im sorry Mr Civ Franchise, Civ3 was DOA


              • #8
                Originally posted by ADG

                Just a side note to the pic:

                Maybe they should move the "golden age" text. It looks kinda strange to be almost out of the borders
                You're right. I've had this before. Maybe it's the resolution (1152*864).


                • #9
                  I got one of these by reducing a culture-captured city down and then building a Worker when it was size one, it gives the option to abandon the city and leaves the Worker behind. Strangely it appears as a Barbarian Worker elsewhere and cannot join any of my cities.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by xane
                    I got one of these by reducing a culture-captured city down and then building a Worker when it was size one, it gives the option to abandon the city and leaves the Worker behind. Strangely it appears as a Barbarian Worker elsewhere and cannot join any of my cities.
                    I got this one from a culture capture city too.
                    It also showed up as Barbarian when right-clicking. But it could join a city. Another bug...


                    • #11
                      Exact same thing happened to me, but I had no idea where it came from. But it is most definately from when you erase a city by making a worker, I remember doing that to an English city who's placement by the AI didn't jive with the rest of my empire. Glad to know what finally happened there. I's listed as Barbarian worker under the military adviser screen, and I was trying to think about how I could possibly have captured a barbarian worker.
                      You sunk my Scrableship!

