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How useful is the Police Station?

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  • How useful is the Police Station?

    I have never fought a war in Republic or Democracy. How much war weariness does the Police Station reduce? Is it cumulative with Universal Suffrage? Does the police station help when fighting a defensive war?

  • #2
    I wish I knew your answers, in Civ2 building Suffrage acted like a police station in every city, and as such you could't build one. Now, you can still build the police stations. I've built a whole boatload of police stations, cannot tell a difference, my government still fell...



    • #3
      Well, for my playing style police stations are useless.


      1. Offensive wars under democracy
      2. Defensive wars under democracy
      3. Wars under communism
      4. Offensive wars under republic
      5. Defensive wars under republic.

      Personally, I have only experienced 1 and 3. I can tell you that if you try to fight an offensive war under democracy, even if you have the suffrage wonder and a police station in every city, war weariness will go completely out of hand in 5-7 turns so that there is no choice but to go communism

      As far as I can tell, there is no war weariness under communism.

      Now, can someone share their experience in situations 2,4 and 5?


      • #4
        Depends on your difficulty level.

        At Chieftain and Warlord you can comfortably go on 12-15 turn offensive wars as a Democracy and as long as you have Suffrage you'll be all right. Police stations will up the number to 20 or so. Haven't got there so far in Regent.

        I hear that in later difficulties, war weariness will paralyze you whether you have police stations or not, so perhaps it's less useful at that time, but if it buys you five turns without war weariness, I'd say it's worth it just for three to four turn, short land or resource grab wars.


