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Rick Goodman on EE forum. Who's here???

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  • Rick Goodman on EE forum. Who's here???

    I just got Empire Earth (gasp) and went to the EE Heaven forum. And guess what. Rick Goodman is in and out of there all the time answering questions. ("Mr. Grinch")

    And that is so helpful and supportive. He even answered one of mine.

    Who from the Civ3 designers or publishers is on this forum???

    Maybe I am missing their posts. But it seems Firaxis and company are pretty quiet.


  • #2
    Yea, I've checked these forums almost every day since I bought Civ3 (->as soon as it came out in the U.K.) and am a little disapointed that neither Dan or Soren appear to be around.

    I am sure that they have loads to do, but even a quick note such as "You have the combat system figured out completely wrong", or "the following items will be included in a patch;"- would be useful.

    In fact, a simple "Hi we are reading your comments" post would be nice.

    They could always retreat if they are down to their last Hit point


    (One further thought,- perhaps Markos has more communication with the Fraxians than we are aware of?)


    • #3
      Yeah, that's one of the great things about Heaven Game's sites- at all of their sites the developers actually come and post (AoKH- Sandyman, EEH- tons of SSSI staff, Stronghold- Firefly staff, etc).


      • #4
        bradman will answer any intelligent questions asked on the civ mac forums

        it's really nice
        Prince of...... the Civ Mac Forum


        • #5
          They were here quite a bit early on. Once the complaints devolved into redundant insults, and they had all the information they needed, they went to work on the patch. Suits me.
          "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


          • #6
            Maye they'll be back soon with something to help us.


