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Civ IV: The List v.2.0

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  • Just comments - no thinking (I'm on School Summer holidays )

    You're right. Adding stuff to a game doesn't make it better. I haven't got Civ 3 (might get it for Xmas) so I don't know how the fundamental things in the game (Culture, Borders, Diplomacy, Trade) work first hand, I'm just assuming its good. If it's not than there should be ideas here on how to improve them.

    A nice good long list of ideas. On a note, Firaxis left out the natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, etc) to try and reduce the random destruction to the game which is of no fault to the player and AI.

    H Tower:
    You are an idiot.

    Orthodoxity added with the religion model being made up before would work well.
    And Islam (written in the Qoran) was a tolerant religion. Christianity forced them to be intolerant to survive the Crusades / Ottoman Empire reak-up / Isreal-Palestine issue / French nuclear weapons cheating.

    You can have all civs represented on the diplomacy screen by right-clicking on a head. Representing more than 8 takes up too much space and makes it look cluttered.

    You deserve a holiday. After all you've compiled that list!

    Good idea!


    • MINE!!!

      Give credit where credit is due, I came up with religion.

      Religion would be a non-controlable force(Unless you decide to use or have a mass killing of that religion ect...) There would be religious spheres, and each religion would have a capital(like holy city in italy is the "capital" of christianity). Also you could use it to convert those of another country, making it harder for your enemy to keep, and easier for you to control(hehe).

      Political groups - Have different groups that support types of goverments, Like Communists and Anarchists. A certain amount of people will support your reign(if it is good) but there will always be those revolutionary types.

      Nationality - People of other countries living in yours. This would open up a new field of warfare. For instance, if you are the most powerful country in the world, people will want to "flock" to you. This will also make it easier for spies and terrorists to infultrate your country.

      Terrorists(no offense please) - Being able to (possibly) destroy wonders and buildings in other civs with radicalists willing to die for your nation(also religions could have this as well)

      Also as a extra idea, you could "eliminate" or "propigandinize" any religion, nationality or political group.

      What do ya think?

      - Comrade Sharule


      • About my previous post (the intelligence report), I forgot :
        - What science they are researching
        - Who they intend to vote for

        About orthodoxy : great idea ! You should decide how orthodox is your religion. Historically, all religions have been fundamentalistic sometimes (inquisition anyone ?), and all have been more open-minded sometimes (the muslim world was the most scientifically advanced Civ at a time).
        Maybe we should have an "orthodoxy tab" in the religious advisor screen, like the science / luxury tab at the domestic advisor.
        "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
        "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
        "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


        • Replace resource shields with something else. For example, my large grassland city is outproduced by a smaller city simply because it has more mountains in it's radius. Even though both recieve iron, coal or whatever.

          In real life hills and mountains are not very useful at all. Production should stem from the population, education, facilities and terrain should only play a minor role.


          • Sharule- how could you have come up with religion? You recently registered... Its been a suggestion since 1998

            Okay- I just submitted the ideas to firaxis... They'll probably look at them in about 2 days- thus I have time to add everything Past Sharule on the website by then.

            is the link to the site.
            -->Visit CGN!
            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


            • Hey,

              During History, immigration has always been a great matter of devellopment. Why not creating a model where happiest civs or most cultural civs attracted people from other civilizations?

