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Damn Overthrowing Fools

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  • #16
    yer, starving them out seems to be the go, personally i preferred the partisan uprisings and stuff they were cool. I don't mind the idea of these overthrows, but the units should be thrown outside the city or something, losing them all seems a bit strong.


    • #17
      Originally posted by G.A

      Euhm, can people just learn to not put their entire army into a recently captured city?????
      True. It's like this men that send tanks against pikemen. It's just so OBVIOUS and LOGICAL that they will die !
      People are just so strange, they expect something to happen like it's supposed to happen. What a weird concept.
      Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


      • #18
        True. It's like this men that send tanks against pikemen. It's just so OBVIOUS and LOGICAL that they will die !
        People are just so strange, they expect something to happen like it's supposed to happen. What a weird concept.
        Well, if they send one or 2 tanks againsta well defended city with pikemen, they might get unlucky and lose. It doesn't make the game stupid, it makes the player stupid IMHO. That's like sending 2 men with a stock to attack a bank, hehe.

        Well, I dunno, using a newly conquered city as a new base of operation, a new airport and a new port, is, well, not very bright. You wait a little usually, so that the dust settles.

        Also, I always put a good amount of units to quell the resistance, about a dozen tanks and a dozen mech inf(in modern age), and never had any city revolting. Ok, I had a bigger culture than them most of the time, maybe that's why.

        Another thing to ask is, what do you mean by "lost all my units in the city"? Are we talking about 5-6 units, or about 20 here?(not counting bombers, artillery, etc.) To quell resisters, I usually put 2x the time of citizen in various troops, and in one turn I usually quells all revolting citizens, and never have a problem afterward. Might be a trick you could use.

        Now, I do NOT agree that you should lose all your units. Some might get detroyed and other just fall back, but not all of them destroyed. Things like artillery and bomber might probably be destroyed, but the rest shouldn't, or at least not all of them. That's silly, and I agree.


        • #19
          I think what pisses people off is not the fact that the city rebels, but that their entire army that was garrisoned in the city just vanished. Maybe a patch that made any troops garrisoned in the city be automatically moved to the nearest friendly city.


          • #20
            Originally posted by halley
            I think what pisses people off is not the fact that the city rebels, but that their entire army that was garrisoned in the city just vanished. Maybe a patch that made any troops garrisoned in the city be automatically moved to the nearest friendly city.
            I could also live with damage to the units, but to have them all disappear is just dumb. How did a size 4 city kill over 250 units?


            Edit: I also find it amusing that one warrior can order the destruction of a size 40 city... How does he do that?
            "Build Ports when possible. A port gives you extra resources, as well as an extra tile for a unit to stand on." - Infogrames


            • #21
              If you leave 2 spearmen to defend a large city you have just taken, you deserve to have them be killed and the city revolt. However, the way Civ III models this is just insane. I've had smaller cities overthrow and thus kill defenders many times the size of the city. And yes my culture was greater than the civ I was at war with. It makes no sense that revolters with improvised and or lower tech weapons can overthrow a large occupying army that is not only larger than them but has better equipment. (Or does the population turn into demigods that can crush tanks with a single glance?) As for the notion of not keeping your occupying army garisoned in front line cities, where the hell are we to keep our army? Away from the war where they might get hurt? Why did firaxis model revolts without modeling the ability to put them down? (and brutally at that)


              • #22
                I think one good solution to this would be if the city revolutions would be made to last multiple turns. Every turn each revolting citizen would have a chance to damage or destroy a unit and this would continue until the revolution is suppressed or all the defending units gone. This would allow you to escape or bring reinforcements if it seems like you are losing.


                • #23
                  Bring back Charlie!

                  Teemur- your idea would best be modelled with a partisan unit. I say 4/5/1, move as explorer. Venger said once 5/5/1, move as explorer. If you feel the attck it too low, give partisans bonuses in attacking cities with their own citizens (local support) or give the defenders no bonus (local unfriendliness), much as was done in Colonization.
                  If you don't like reality, change it! me
                  "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                  "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                  "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                  • #24
                    Isn't it ironic that people want to fix problems in civ 3 with ideas from civ 2?

                    har har har har. firaxis tried to reinvent the wheel, but i think its kinda square.
                    By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.

