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NEEDED - a non-aggression treaty

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  • #16
    needed interface fixes

    I already posted this in it's own thread, but nobdoy seemed interested. Maybe it'll do better here. Here are a couple of things I think Firaxis needs to fix with the game interface.

    1. Unit grouping is not available. If you can't figure out how to group combat units for moving them around. at least, for the sweet love of Jesus allow us to group workers!

    2. So I save money to upgrade all my pikemen to riflemen. I choose mass upgrade. And spend half the next turn re-fortyfying all those upgraded units in cities. Please! If a unit is fortified in a city it should bloody well stay fortified, not activate, when upgraded. You got this right in SMAC so why introduce this broken behaviour now?

    3. So you got that strategic resource, and what to fill your build queue before the inevitable war begins. But the goddam queue moves the units up and down when you add them to the queue, so you have to play hide-and-seek with the mouse for evey unit you add.

    4. I get _one_ queue to play with? Have a choise of _at least_ five different queues, which can be saved and loaded into different games.

    5. Can we please get a strategic resource finder on the map? Playing a large or huge map makes hunting all over the map to find that elusive strategic resource you just discovered is a royal pain in the but. Oh, and then it turns out it's hidden under a city, so you have to check each and evey city out too! Fix this already! The pitiful CTRL+SHIFT+M is no substitute for a resource finder.

    6. I have some workers on a tile. There must be a way to know which work, which just stand there admiring the scenery and how many turns there are left till the work is done. The SMAC way with a special box showing what all units on any chosen tile were up to was just fine.

    7. I want to check out where a specific city is. So I call up the city finder. Guess how that sorts the cities? Alphabetic order? No. Alphabetic order by civilisation? No. AGE! I don't have to scroll through a list of hundereds of names looking for my city if I just know how old it is compared to all other cities on the map! This is stupid beyond belief.

    8. In the F1 empire management screen, if I choose to sort cities by production, they should bloody well stay sorted that way untill I choose otherwise.

    9. So you have a massive amount of workers and units on the map. The new turn comes around, and the computer zips from one unit to the other in seemingly random order - you end up fortifing half you worker force, especially if you've mass upgraded the turn before. Active workers first, military units later!

    10. Give us a turn summary so that we can go to those cities that have gone into unrest or have had pollution one by one, fixing the problem, instead of desperately trying to remember where things happened as the notices flash by during the AI turn.

    11. So my workers are all set to hut down and clean up pollution. Fine. They should STAY THAT WAY until I tell them differently, not change back waiting for orders every single time there happens not to be any pollution for them to deal with.

    12. Small nag, but _please_ let me turn the stupid palace upgrading off.
    "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
    "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


    • #17
      gameplay issues

      Here are the gameplay issues I'd like to see addressed in a patch. I won't bring up all the outright bugs, becuase there has been enough said 'bout them already.

      1. I'm really, really disappointed to see that one of the MAJOR advances of SMAC - not needing to pave the whole goddamn planet with roads and railroads - has been lost again. Apart from the how ugly it is, it really is just so much more wasted micromanagement. Please fix it so that you need roads between cities, resources and colonies ONLY.

      2. Localize pollution! If I build factories and hospitals in my core cities only, I shouldn't get pollution in my arctic oil outposts! Let me decide where that pollution happens so that I don't need to build roads on every single square of my entire territory to deal with it.

      3. Give some kind of indication about a city (my own or the AIs) hanging on the brink of cultural defection.

      4. Game balance issue; I've handily won on emperor going for an early all-out attack and vassal/tech trade strategy. I can't win a a builder even on regent - there has to be a rethink to allow for a viable builder game.

      5. In the vein of 4, the AIs _must_ do better as far as connecting to strategic and luxury resources is concerned, so that they _can_ trade those resources. The number of times I've seen five horses within AI territory, and the AI only connects to one being unable to trade and forcing me to start a war.

      6. Diversify governments! The total dominance of democracy may be historically motivted, but it kind of reduces the gameplay. I really miss the SMAC SE-settings...

      7. Reduce the amount of money the AIs are willing to pay for a tech with the same rate that the research cost is reduced when more civs get that tech.
      "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
      "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


      • #18
        and finally a small trick

        All those experiencing extreme slowdown during play:

        Download and install the no-cd patch! This reduced turn and "recalculation" time by a factor of 10 or so for me playing on huge/16 civ...
        "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
        "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.

